* Fix: Header Builder - Site Logo becomes too small for the sticky header.
* Fix: Custom Layout - Code editor strips out the code while saving and not working properly on frontend too.
* Fix: Search - Inline search box misaligned with respect it's search icon position.
- New: WooCommerce - Checkout - Order summary & payment box background color options.
- Improvement: Introduced filter 'astra_addon_override_single_product_layout' to enable/disable vertical & horizontal slider gallery layout in case if Single Product layout built using any page builder themer.
- Improvement: Action 'astra_addon_woo_quick_view_before' for firing before Quick View popup trigger.
- Improvement: WooCommerce - Introduced new JavaScript event 'astraInfinitePaginationLoaded' after shop infinite pagination loaded.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Single Product - Default variation option not working with Change Dropdown to Buttons option in variable type product.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Single Product - Gallery thumbnail slider not in sync when product variations changes.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Checkout - String 'Customer information' is not translatable.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Checkout - Email validation not working for non admin users when trying to login through the checkout page when the modern layout is active.
- Fix: WooCommerce - My Account - Download items UI gets messed up in modern layout.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Checkout - Login button font-size does not match with their surrounding label in modern checkout style.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Checkout - Country/Region misalignment in checkout form on single country selection when modern input style enabled.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Single Product - Misalignment with quantity updater when vertical style is applied.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Shop - Product cards box shadow not working when old header footer is active.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Single Product - Product gallery missing when single product layout build using theme builder layouts.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Removing white background color being added to minicart icon when style is selected as outline.
- Fix: WooCommerce - 'View Cart' secondary link is hidden when product added to that cart from the single product page.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Shop - Active filter misalignment on the frontend.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Modern Checkout layout support for Germanized for WooCommerce plugin.
- Fix: Showing deprecated function warning on frontend after installing Elementor with theme.
- Fix: Customizer range slider control not accepting decimal values for 'em' unit.
- Fix: Need to double click for dropdown menu to open sub-menus on desktop in rare cases.
- Fix: Blog - Infinite scroll is not working with Custom Post types.
- Fix: W3 validation - aria-label attribute is missing for button in Full search style.
- Fix: Updated product columns option dependency on individual Related and Upsell enable setting.
- Fix: Mobile menu flyout mode not working properly when old Header layout is active.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Button variation is displaying the old deleted product attributes on single product.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Shop active filter toggle not working properly due to incorrect customizer option handle.
- Fix: Theme version rollback does not work on the initial page load of Astra Options.
- New: Redesigned the entire customizer UI for better user experience.
- New: WooCommerce - General - Quantity Plus Minus Button Options With Multiple Designs.
- New: WooCommerce - General - Modern Input skin type.
- New: WooCommerce - General - Ajax based quantity selector.
- New: WooCommerce - General - Introduced Color and background option for Sale badge.
- New: WooCommerce - Shop - Added new modern view option for shop style.
- New: WooCommerce - Shop - Introduced unique filter panel design.
- New: WooCommerce - Shop - Introduced sticky shop filter sidebar option.
- New: WooCommerce - Shop - Added accordion compatibility for WooCommerce filter widgets.
- New: WooCommerce - Shop - Added Flyout and Collapsible option for WooCommerce filters panel.
- New: WooCommerce - Single Product - Added sticky add to cart on single product.
- New: WooCommerce - Single Product - Product tabs heading - Product tabs heading - Added normal, hover, and active text color support.
- New: WooCommerce - Single Product - Added Color and Typography options for Category text.
- New: WooCommerce - Single Product - Added Enable/Disable Quantity Plus-Minus sign option.
- New: WooCommerce - Single Product - Added Option to Add Extra Product Description.
- New: WooCommerce - Single Product - Introduced tab style presets for product details. ( Accordion / Distributed ).
- New: WooCommerce - Single Product - Introduced previous-next product preview option on navigation hover.
- New: WooCommerce - Single Product - Payment options list in single product structure.
- New: WooCommerce - Single Product - Introduced sticky product summary option.
- New: WooCommerce - Single Product - Toggle to Convert Variation select dropdown to buttons UI on Single Product page.
- New: WooCommerce - Added Multistep Navigation for Cart, Checkout and Order Received pages.
- New: WooCommerce - Cart - Modern Cart Layout.
- New: WooCommerce - Cart - Sticky Cart total on scroll on WooCommerce cart page.
- New: WooCommerce - Checkout - Modern Layout.
- Improvement: Single Product - Option to Show/Hide Category on WooCommerce single product page.
- Improvement: Single Product - Product gallery Layout options ( First Image Large / Vertical Slider / Horizontal Slider ).
- Improvement: Single Product - Product Navigation color options ( Normal & Hover ).
- Fix: Related Products & Upsell columns not working on responsive devices.
Fix: Custom layout styling not loading on front-end.
- Improvement: Moved Single Post and Page spacing option to theme.
- Fix: Translated Taxonomies not listed under the target specific rule for Custom Layout with Polylang plugin.
- Fix: Custom Layouts - Inside post/page content displays multiple time with entry_after hooks used.
- Fix: Small space appearing between the Sticky Above and Primary header in the Beaver Builder editor.
- Fix: Primary submenus not expandable on mobile when toggle button element is not added.
- Fix: "Header Button" heading added to separate out Sticky Header options in old header.
- Fix: Accessibility - LifterLMS profile link is missing aria-label and role attribute.
- Fix: Fixed display Products from Same Category with Navigation. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/products-from-same-directed-category-with-navigation/ )
- Fix: Improvements as per WordPress coding standards.
- Fix: Header - Menus - Box Shadow not applying for submenus from customizer options
- Fix: Single Product Quantity not working for decimal numbers.
- Fix: Elementor page with Motion effect jerks on scroll when header is set to sticky and animation is None.
- Fix: Submenu items expanded initially in offcanvas, when Toggle Button being used for desktop header.
- Fix: Astra theme version number missing in Rollback section.
- Improvement: Compatibility for enhancing block editor experience. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/improved-block-editor-experience/ )
- Fix: Builder - Search - Search markup is loaded even when the search element is not added.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Grouped product - Add to Cart not appearing properly on Quick view.
- Fix: Some of the Search shortcodes are not working on the posts or pages.
- Fix: W3 validation - aria-label attribute is missing for the close icon for the Off-canvas sidebar trigger on the Shop page.
- Fix: Sticky header meta option is not working on the frontend.
- Fix: Custom Layout - 'Header is built using Custom Layout' notice showing in customizer even the layout's toggle is disabled.