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Log Update Item Modern Tribe The Events Calendar Community Events Tickets Addon
This page only show history update item Modern Tribe The Events Calendar Community Events Tickets Addon.

* Fix - The SKU will now appear for Tickets Commerce and WooCommerce when using the `Advanced` section when creating a ticket. [CT-64]

* Tweak - Added filters: `tec_community_tickets_is_tickets_commerce_enabled`

* Tweak - Removed filters: `tec_ct_tickets_commerce_is_enabled`

* Version - Events Community Tickets 4.8.5 is only compatible with The Events Calendar 6.0.10 and higher.

* Version - Events Community Tickets 4.8.5 is only compatible with Events Community 4.10.4 and higher.

* Version - Events Community Tickets 4.8.5 is only compatible with Event Tickets 5.5.8 and higher.

* Version - Events Community Tickets 4.8.5 is only compatible with Event Tickets Plus 5.6.7 and higher.

* Tweak - PHP version compatibility bumped to PHP 7.4

* Tweak - Version Composer updated to 2

* Tweak - Version Node updated to 18.13.0

* Tweak - Version NPM update to 8.19.3

Fix - Updated template path for the reports pages. [CT-74]

- Added: ical subscription URL

- Applied: Some security enhancements

- Applied: Some speed improvements

- Improved: The Stripe gateway integration (pro)

- Fixed: An issue in calculating remaining tickets to display flags (pro)

- Fixed: Time display

- Fixed: Frontend Event Submission regarding adding new locations

- Fixed: An issue in tile view