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Log Update Item Download Monitor Page Addon
This page only show history update item Download Monitor Page Addon.

* Fixed: DLM 4.6.0 compatibility

* Changed: Notices priority set to 8.

* Fixed: Fix for PHP 5.6 error "unexpected '::' (T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM)".

* Added: A "-" to plugin title so it's in line with other DLM plugins

* Fixed: Fatal error when download does not have a file

* Fixed: "download" no longer a button in the download template

* Fixed: Partial fix - shortcode not working on homepage except if permalinks set to plain.

* Changed: License and update checking system

* Changed: Notice display

* Changed: Tabs reconstruction

* Fix: Activation error fix

* Changed: Extensions markup

* Added: [download_list] shortcode

* Added: Download List Block

* Changed: The plugin's css will only load when the shortcode is present.

* Added: Plugin inline notifications

* Fixed: Shortcode atts not relative to search results - partial