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Log Update Item Elementor Pro Live Page Builder For WordPress
This page only show history update item Elementor Pro Live Page Builder For WordPress.

* Tweak: Adjusted license mechanism to support trial period

* Fix: Updates made to Global Widgets do not reflect accordingly to linked widgets ([#16815](

* Fix: Hamburger toggle button doesn't change to “close” when menu is collapsed in Nav Menu widget when Inline Font Awesome experiment is active

* Fix: Global Widget cannot be unlinked

* Fix: Inline HTML elements appear as plain text in Animated Headline widget

* Fix: Dropdown items inherited values from Main Menu space between control in Nav Menu widget

* Fix: Order Summary titles style controls not applying on various devices in Cart widget 

* Fix: Panel "Need Help" link is not correct in WooCommerce section in Site Settings

* Fix: Icons color style conflicts when Font-Awesome Inline experiment is active in Share Buttons widget ([#16435](

* Fix: Mini Cart hides page content when closed in Menu Cart widget ([#16305](

* Fix: UI glitches in the Editor edit mode when inserting Post Content widget and Font-Awesome Inline experiment is active in Single Post template ([#16358](

* Fix: Slides per view controls disappeared from multiple breakpoints in Testimonial Carousel

* Fix: Product variations UI glitch in Menu Cart widget

* Fix: Buttons UI glitch on Safari browser in Menu Cart widget

* Fix: Sticky functionality is not working if the Additional Custom Breakpoints experiment is active ([#16186](

* Fix: Slideshow skin UI glitch in Media Carousel widget

* Fix: Product price typography weight control is not working as expected in Menu Cart widget

* Tweak: Added new Mini Cart layout type in Menu Cart widget ([#11312](

* Tweak: Added styling options for Cart, Products, and Cart buttons in Menu Cart widget ([#14952](

* Tweak: Added the ability to open cart automatically when an item is added in Menu Cart widget ([#14119](

* Tweak: Added the ability to remove an item from cart without reloading the page with an AJAX request ([#9531](, [#10875](, [#11309](

* Tweak: Added Load More AJAX functionality to Posts widget ([#12126](, [#1284](, [#14557](

* Tweak: Added Vimeo support to the Video Playlist widget ([#15319](

* Tweak: Improved asset loading performance by serving lighter JS files ([#8572](

* Tweak: Added query string to the URL only after the first video is played in Video Playlist widget ([#15348](

* Tweak: Added various layout options with more responsive controls and cart structure options in Menu Cart widget

* Tweak: Added the option to open the menu cart by click or hover in Menu Cart widget

* Tweak: Added the ability to choose a specific product to draw data from in WooCommerce Dynamic tags

* Tweak: Removed auto-scroll to the widget location when arriving from external URL in Video Playlist widget

* Tweak: Removed the Video Playlist widget from the Experiments list

* Tweak: Added descriptive error messages for MailChimp action after submit and on form submit in Forms widget

* Tweak: Added tooltip trigger None and Hover for link in Hotspot widget

* Tweak: Added responsive controls to Offset and Effects Offset in Sticky options

* Tweak: Added responsive control to Alignment in Testimonial Carousel widget

* Tweak: Adjusted Motion Effects module to support future feature

* Tweak: Added future compatibility to support better loading of `eicons` font

* Tweak: Changed Rename Part title and button color in Theme Builder

* Fix: Products don't appear on the cart while editing in Menu Cart widget ([#15451](

* Fix: Videos always start muted in the Video Playlist widget ([#15292](

* Fix: Unnecessary spacing if submenu indicator is set to None in Nav Menu widget ([#15365](

* Fix: MailChimp double opt-in feature doesn't work in Forms widget

* Fix: Fetching MailChimp groups field blocks the loading of the rest of the fields in the Form widget

* Fix: Missing field IDs causes forms not to be sent in Forms widget

* Fix: Full Content Skin is not working properly when inserted twice on the same page in Posts widget

* Fix: Avoid Duplicates option doesn't exclude manual selections in Posts widget

* Fix: Submenu indicator alignment issue in Nav menu widget

* Fix: Query control deprecated message appears when debug mode is defined

* Fix: Tweet Button icon incorrect color and size when the icon is rendered as SVG in Blockquote widget

* Fix: Video icon size is not changing on Active state in Video Playlist widget

* Fix: Header icon color is not working in Table Of Content widget

* Fix: Icons style glitches when Font Awesome Inline experiment is active in Video Playlist widget

* Fix: Bullet markers are not visible on preview mode when Font Awesome Inline experiment is active in Table of Content widget

* Fix: UI Glitch when Font-Awesome Inline experiment is active in Price Table widget

* Fix: Submenu Indicator appears larger when Font Awesome Inline experiment is active in Nav Menu widget

* Fix: Part name is deleted when clicking on the "Change" Button without changing the name in Theme Builder

* Fix: Redundant pagination queries in the Editor

* Deprecated: Remove all usages of `Elementor\Utils::get_create_new_post_url()`

* Deprecated: See all deprecations to this version in our [Developers Deprecations Post](

* Fix: Products grid width issue when adjusting columns and rows in Products widget ([#16001](

* Fix: Font Awesome Inline experiment causes icons glitch in Price Table widget ([#16045](

* Fix: reCAPTCHA v3 `z-index` is lower than the Section's background color

* Fix: Style missing when Font Awesome inline experiment is active in Post Info widget

* Fix: Font Awesome icons were not loaded in Post Info widget

* Fix: Zero character can't be used as a placeholder in Number field in Form widget

* Fix: Carousels are not working properly in the Editor when Additional Custom Breakpoints experiment is active

* Tweak: Added support for Additional Custom Breakpoints in Nav Menu widget

* Tweak: Added support for Additional Custom breakpoints in Motion Effects

* Fix: Columns didn't respond to changes in Gallery widget if Additional Custom Breakpoints Experiment is active

* Tweak: Added support for future feature in Nav Menu widget

* Fix: WooCommerce responsive grid styles are not being reflected in Product Related widget ([#15857](

* Fix: WooCommerce responsive grid styles are not being reflected in Upsells widget ([#15857](

* Fix: WooCommerce responsive grid styles are not being reflected in Product Categories widget ([#15857](