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Log Update Item WooCommerce EU VAT Number
This page only show history update item WooCommerce EU VAT Number.

Add - Support for checking out with a EU vat number field using the checkout block from WooCommerce Blocks.

* Add - Support for UK VAT Number validation (using UK VAT Number API).

* Fix - VAT validation when the field is empty.

* Fix – Add float Type Casting to refunded tax to prevent the “non-numeric value” warning.

* Fix – Display product price without VAT if a valid VAT number is saved in the customer account.

* Update – Display a more specific message for error in connect to vies server from local environments.

 Tweak - Bump Tested up to

* New - Add support for Subscriptions with WooCommerce Payments.

* Fix - Removes VAT charge from the scheduled orders.

* Fix - PHP notice when placing an order with no VAT number.

* Fix - "Failed Validation Handling" setting not working properly for manual admin order.

* Fix - POT file not included in release zip.

* Fix - Apply EU VAT straight away when creating a manual order.

* Fix - Rendering the VAT field when store is selling to only one country. PR#207

* Fix - Changing the country from non-EU to EU doesn't display the VAT field. PR#207

* Fix - Compatibility with WooCommerce One Page Checkout. PR#208

* Fix - VAT field not displayed on WooCommerce Subscriptions switch orders. PR#208

* Fix - VAT validation for WooCommerce Subscripitons products with a free trial. PR#208