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Log Update Item Modern Tribe Event Tickets Plus WordPress Plugin
This page only show history update item Modern Tribe Event Tickets Plus WordPress Plugin.

* Feature - Introduction of Tickets Commerce, the new and improved solution you can set up to sell tickets with Event Tickets.

* Language - 2 new strings added, 30 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted

* Tweak - Changed the `provider` URL variable name to `tickets_provider`. The filter `tribe_tickets_get_provider_query_slug` allows for customization. [ET-543]

* Tweak - Added the `isValidForm.eventTicketsModal` JS event to allow for third party plugins to provide their own validation logic. [ETP-752]

* Fix - Removed the ability to resend tickets from the Attendees page to Attendees who cancelled or refunded their ticket. [ETP-703]

* Fix - Fix the inconsistent vertical spacing between attendee registration fields in admin view. [ETP-748]

* Language - 0 new strings added, 23 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted

* Fix - Fixed cart calculation inconsistency with WooCommerce when the "Number of decimals" setting was set to `0`. [ETP-324]

* Enhancement - Added description field support for Attendee Registration Fields. [ETP-712]

* Enhancement - Updated layout and content for attendee registration fields. [ETP-741]

* Tweak - Added the ability to hide attendee data from public view via the AR Modal. [ETP-127]

* Language - 5 new strings added, 14 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 2 obsoleted

* Feature - Added filter `tribe_tickets_plus_woo_meta_data_enabled` to toggle additional fields in WooCommerce. [ETP-737]

* Feature - Added filter `tribe_tickets_plus_woo_meta_data_filter` to filter additional fields in WooCommerce. [ETP-737]

* Tweak - Updated WooCommerce to use `wc_get_order` instead of `new WC_Order`. [ETP-141]

* Fix - Fix the validation for the text and telephone "Attendee Registration Fields" so that it doesn't take empty spaces as valid when the field is required. [ETP-733]

* Language - 0 new strings added, 31 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted

* Tweak - Added `$ticket_id` parameter to the `tribe_events_tickets_metabox_edit_ajax_advanced` filter. [ETP-111]

* Feature - Allow regeneration of attendees for WooCommerce orders. [ETP-707]

* Feature - Enhanced WooCommerce templates for showing ticket and attendee data in Order details pages and emails. [ETP-724]

* Language - 10 new strings added, 25 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted