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Log Update Item WooCommerce Stripe Gateway
This page only show history update item WooCommerce Stripe Gateway.

* Add - Add Stripe API to generate connection tokens, manage terminal locations, create customers, get account summary, capture payment.

* Tweak - Remove `_wcstripe_feature_upe` flag and all traces of old settings.

* Fix - Fix error when invalid card is used on Pay Order page.

* Fix - Fix outdated data when using Blocks Checkout.

* Add - List of payment methods that are not included for the merchant.

* Tweak - Update how the new checkout experience is enabled.

* Fix - Error on UPE checkout depending on the account keys set.

* Tweak - Hide separate credit card form setting when UPE is enabled.

Fix - Run filters that disable Stripe JS on cart and product pages when PRBs are disabled.

* Fix - Hong Kong addresses are now mapped more thoroughly to WooCommerce addresses when paying with Apple Pay.

* Fix - Error when changing payment method for a subscription with new checkout experience.

* Fix - Payment Requests are now updated correctly when updating items in the Cart Block.

* Add - Support for WooCommerce Pre-Orders with new checkout experience.

* Fix - Stripe JS is no longer loaded on cart and product pages when PRBs are disabled on those pages.

* Tweak - Update the minimum required PHP version to 7.0 to reflect our L-2 support policy.

* Fix - Add support for MYR (Malaysian ringgit) for Alipay.

* Add - New Settings UI.

* Fix - Hide payment request button when variations of a variable product are out-of-stock.

* Fix - Enable use of saved payment methods converted to SEPA payments.

* Tweak - "Save payment information" checkbox now has better alignment in store checkout.

* Tweak - Error notices at checkout now have more consistent design.

* Tweak - Remove animated credit card icons from payment method option on the checkout page.

* Fix - Payments for pre-orders and subscriptions with an empty source token now work as intended.

* Add - Pre-release preview of new checkout experience using Stripe Universal Payment Element.

* Tweak - Removed "Branded" and "Custom label" options on Payment request buttons to align with design guidelines.

* Tweak - Converted payment request button size value to distinct options to align with design guidelines.

* Tweak - Animate supported credit card icons instead of displaying multiple icons at once.

* Tweak - Moved the `WC_Gateway_Stripe::admin_scripts` method to `WC_Stripe_Settings_Controller::admin_scripts`.

* Fix - Save payment method during 3D Secure flow for Block-based checkout.

* Fix - Show subtotal on Payment Request dialog.

* Add - Settings to control Payment Request Button locations in the Stripe plugin settings. Persists changes made through pre-existing filters, or defaults to the Cart and Product pages if no filters are in use.

* Tweak - Deprecated the 'wc_stripe_hide_payment_request_on_product_page', 'wc_stripe_show_payment_request_on_checkout', and 'wc_stripe_show_payment_request_on_cart' filters in favor of the UI-driven approach in the plugin settings.

* Add - Notice for WP & WC version compatibility check.

Fix - Get Subscription CustomerID from Order instead of User.

* Fix - Do not ask for a Shipping Address if no Shipping Zone is defined.

* Fix - Return HTTP 204 when webhook validation fails so Stripe won't stop sending certain webhook events after too many failed validations.

* Fix - Possible use of an undefined variable `prepared_source`.

* Add - 'wc_stripe_allowed_payment_processing_statuses' filter to customize order statuses that allow payment processing in the context of 3DS payments.