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Log Update Item WooCommerce Store Credit
This page only show history update item WooCommerce Store Credit.

* Tweak - Don't restore the credit when the order status changes to 'failed'.

* Tweak - Tested compatibility up to WC 7.0.

* Tweak - Tested compatibility with WP 6.1.

* Fix - Store Credit wasn't re-applied to an order successfully paid after the first payment failed.

* Fix - Store Credit was incorrectly restored after canceling the PayPal payment process.

* Tweak - Don't allow adding to the cart Store Credit products with zero credit amount.

* Tweak - The custom credit amount field is required when adding to the cart a Store Credit product without a default credit amount.

* Tweak - Tested compatibility with WC 6.8.

Fix - Fixed error when customizing the link text in the 'Cart notice' setting.

* Feature - Display the available Store Credit coupons on the Cart and Checkout pages.

* Feature - Added support to product subcategories when restricting the usage of the coupons created from a Store Credit product.

* Tweak - Exclude expired coupons from the Store Credit coupon list on the 'My account' page.

* Tweak - Tested compatibility with WC 6.7.

* Tweak - Added plugin info to the WooCommerce System Status Report.

* Tweak - Tested compatibility with WC 6.6.

* Feature - Added compatibility with 'WooCommerce USPS Shipping'.

* Tweak - Tested compatibility with WP 6.0.

* Fix - Fixed wrong order total when the shipping costs are calculated with 'WooCommerce Shipping & Tax'.

* Fix - Fixed wrong discount in the shipping costs when the taxes are calculated with 'WooCommerce AvaTax'.

Tweak - Tested compatibility with WC 6.5.

* Tweak - Tested compatibility with WC 6.4.

* Fix - Exhausted coupons with the amount format $0.00 were still displayed on the 'My account' page. 

Tweak - Keep the form values when the add-to-cart validation fails with a Store Credit product.

Fix - Fixed compatibility issue when sending AutomateWoo emails.