* Fix: Applied store credit is displaying incorrect amount in order edit page [admin]
* Fix: Incorrect amount getting restored in store credit which is applied to an order & that order is refunded [admin]
* Fix: Store credit of fixed but variable amount generating store credit with incorrect amount
* Fix: Incorrect currency conversion in auto-generated coupons or credits when the amount is defined in coupon & pick product price is disable
* Update: POT file
* New: Compatibility with Aelia Currency Switcher for WooCommerce
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Uncaught Error: Class 'WC_Subscriptions' not found [WooCommerce Payments]
* Fix: PHP Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class 'SA_WC_Compatibility_4_4' does not have a method 'get_coupon_options'
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Fatal error stalling subscription renewal in a few cases
* Update: Minor change related to WooCommerce Subscriptions 4.0.0
* Update: Translation for French language (Thanks to: Loïc Antignac)
* Update: Spell checks & a few clean up
* Update: POT file
* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 6.7.0
* Fix: Incorrect discount calculation when using settings 'Max discount' & 'Limit Usage to X items' together in a percentage discount coupon
* Fix: Product quantity based restrictions fields causing coupons to not apply on empty cart
* Fix: Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: int * string
* Update: POT file
* New: Tested up to WordPress 6.0.1
* Update: Generate new coupon code if post_title is empty during CSV import
* Update: POT file
* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 6.6.1
* Fix: JavaScript error: Unable to access properties of undefined [Klarna]
* Fix: Emails when having spaces next to comma won't sent out emails from 'Send store credit' tab
* Fix: Translation in the coupon design
* Update: New address link for feature requests
* Update: Added 'Store credit used' detail in the response of WooCommerce REST API (v3) request for order
* Update: POT file
* Update: Stop or ignore scanning expired coupons to improve performance
* Update: POT file
* New: Tested up to WordPress 6.0
* New: Add Smart Coupons related details in WooCommerce > Status report
* Fix: Broken UI on the order page where store credit is used but tax is not enabled
* Fix: Store credit usage information is not shown if those store credits are trashed
* Update: Added minified css file for smart-coupon.css
* Update: The coupons that can be expanded to see sender & receiver details, remove arrows that are visible around those coupons
* Update: POT file
* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 6.5.1
* New: Set id of the template coupon as post_parent of the auto-generated coupon
* New: A button just below the coupon code to copy it [admin]
* Fix: Re-validating quantity of products added from the Actions tab of coupons which is not correct
* Fix: Applying store credit multiple times when the order contains only virtual & downloadable products
* Fix: When number of coupons to generate & number of email address supplied is different, then incorrectly setting Allowed emails & also sending emails during Bulk generate & Import of coupons
* Update: Do not copy post_parent while duplicating a coupon
* Update: Added minified version of a CSS file 'smart-coupons-admin' [admin]
* Update: Corrected a few letter case, default data based on data type
* Update: POT file