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Log Update Item WooCommerce GoCardless Gateway
This page only show history update item WooCommerce GoCardless Gateway.

* Dev - Add linting, unit and e2e test coverage within GitHub Actions.

* Add - Support for High-performance Order Storage ("HPOS") (formerly known as Custom Order Table, "COT").

* Fix - Process GoCardless webhook events asynchronously.

* Tweak - Bump minimum WP version to 5.6.

* Tweak - Bump minimum PHP version to 7.0.

* Tweak - Bump minimum WC version to 6.0.

* Add - Support for "Admin Change Payment Method".

* Add - Support for Subscription Import/Export payment metadata for automatic future payments.

* Add - Support for CAD/Canada and USD/United States.

* Fix - Fix PHPCS issues in the repo.

* Tweak - Bump WC tested Up to 6.8.

* Fix - Fixed Compatibility issue with Order Status Control.

* Fix - Fix connection issue that occur on WooCommerce 6.6

* Tweak - WC tested up to 6.6.

Tweak - Bump tested up to WordPress version 6.0.

* Fix - "Payment methods" my account menu item vanishes when active.

* Enhancement - Improved error handling of creating refund action for enabling refund endpoint.

* Add - Support for Sequential Order Numbers Pro.

* Fixed - String missing translation method.

* Tweak - WC tested up to 6.4.

* Fix - Updated GoCardless retry payment order status to "on-hold".

* Fix - Added payment status check after a few days for subscription orders.

* Fix - Bug that would hide GoCardless on payment gateways list.

* Tweak - WP tested up to 5.9.

* Tweak - WC tested up to 6.3.

* Fix - Bug that would hide Go Cardless when WooCommerce Pre-Orders was active

* Tweak - WP tested up to 5.8.

* Tweak - WC tested up to 6.0.