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Toolset Customizr Integration - V1.3

Version: 1.3

Item cover for download Toolset Customizr Integration


The Toolset Customizr Integration integration enables you to enjoy the great features of the Customizr theme, alongside Layouts integration and Bootstrap CSS.
You will be able to design page layouts using a Toolset drag-and-drop editor and include the elements specific to the Customizr theme.

How to use Toolset theme integrations
If you are new to Toolset or Layouts in particular, we strongly recommend to read our basic guide on how to use Toolset theme integrations.

It explains all the basic things to get you quickly started developing Toolset-powered sites with your favourite theme.

Customizr Cells
Customizr integration with Layouts provides you with additional cells specific to the Customizr theme that are added to the cell insertion dialog box.
Customizr cells in the Layouts cell-insertion dialog box

There are currently eleven types of Customizr cells:
Left Sidebar Widget – Customizr Left Sidebar widget area
Right Sidebar Widget – Customizr Right Sidebar widget area
Footer Widgets – Customizr Footer Widget Area One widget area
Customizr Slider
Featured Pages – list of featured pages as set in the theme options
Breadcrumb – breadcrumbs links for the current page
Header Logo – site header logo as set in the theme options
Header Tagline – your site’s tagline
Header Navbar – main site menu as set on Appearance > Menus admin page. Please note that for proper rendering of the Header Navbar cell, it should be created inside a header row type, otherwise it could result in an unexpected output on the front-end.
Header Social icons – all social icons defined in the theme’s settings
Post Navigation – pagination controls on archive pages
Customizr rows options
In addition to the additional cells, there are also two row options that are added to Layouts with the Customizr integration.

Header row
This is the recommended row type for the first, top row of your layouts. Using this row type for your header row will make sure its styling and structure is the same as the original Customizr one. Also, please note that there are three cells that work correctly only inside this row type:
Header Logo
Header Social icons
Header Navbar
Footer row
Even though there is no specific Customizr footer row type present in the row settings, to achieve the classic design of the Customizr theme footer, you should follow these three steps:
For row type, select the Row background extends to full width option
Select the Footer option for the row’s HTML Tag option field
Add footer ID to the row’s Tag ID option field

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14 Oct 2019 - Version 1.3
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