- Fix: Loading issues with Mobile styles
- Fix: Vertical Scroll bar in Slide-ins
- Fix: Conflict with Elementor sliders
- Enhance: White label browser tabs
- Enhance: Do not add 'https://' to CTA redirect URL
- Enhance: Add appearance settings for CTA helper text
- Fix: Fatal error when there are many CPTs on the site
- Fix: IContact integration is still connected if you enter invalid credentials
- Fix: Embed Container Margin does not work
- Fix: Custom Font Styles Reset is not Working
- Fix: Custom Mobile Settings > Featured Image On/Off Bug
- Fix: Preview does not work for Hustle Embed modules with Twenty Twenty-Two theme
- Fix: Recipient field for Automated email is empty when you update it after resaving
- Fix: Datepicker issue in Forminator form inside popup
- New: Add global option to disable tracking
- Fix: Popup Template goes away after changing Color Theme
- Fix: Cannot select time in optin modules Emails > Automated emails > Schedule
- Fix: If multiple modules have time picker field on front end, the field works only in one module, not others
- Fix: Fatal error on Popup optin module when we schedule Automated email with delay 0 seconds
- Fix: Help text should be hidden when CTA is set to none