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WP Hide & Security Enhancer PRO - V7.0.8 NULLED

Version: 7.0.8 NULLED

Item cover for download WP Hide & Security Enhancer PRO


The convenient way to hide your WordPress from being visible through the code.

A huge improvement over Site Security since hackers web scanners will not find any WordPress trace on your site. Over 99,99% of sites hacks are focused attacks on specific plugins and themes vulnerabilities. Since no WordPress plugins and themes are found anymore, no hack occur even if site using exploitable code.

Provide a clean method for removing any WordPress fingerprints including themes and plugins.
No negative impact on SEO at all ! Used wisely, specific SEO aspects can be improved.

WP HIDE PRO now available!

The plugin not only allow to change default urls of you WordPress, but it hide/block defaults! All other similar plugins just change the slugs, but the defaults are still accessible, obviously revealing the WordPress.

Plugin Features

No file and directory change!

No file and directory is being changed anywhere, everything is processed virtually! The plugin code use URL rewrite techniques and WordPress filters to apply all internal functionality and features. Everything is done automatically, there's no user intervention require at all.

100% compatible with other Plugins & Themes

Compatible with any WordPress plugins and themes, once deployed it will not break any functionality or features other codes provide to your site.

WordPress MultiSite Compatible

Support Multisite environment. Can work with per site set-up (individual settings) or globally (superadmin settings)

Theme url change and clean-up

Theme and child theme styles clean-up and headers remove, to prevent display of theme name, version, author etc No one will know it's a WordPress theme

Compatible with any host / server

Tested and 100% compatible with different hosting server configuration basted on Linux and Windows operating system.

Nginx Compatible

The PRO version come with full Nginx support, which run on LEMP stacks. Advanced rewrite queries engine included, which provide the most efficient and light data.

Custom login URL

All sites receive hits on login page with boots trying brute force attempts, requiring a high processing CPU power due to number of attempts. This conclude to a global site speed decrease and response time. Blocking default login URL, boots will hit just a 404 error page which is being cached, so no resource is being used.

HTML clean-up

Clean up HTML comments produced by plugins or theme, WordPress core auto-generated classes as page-template-x, format-x, wp-image-x, etc for body, post, images etc

Individual Plugin URL customization

Change Plugins Folder path and individual plugin url with custom data. Optionally block default urls from being accessible from outside.

Change admin-ajax-php

The admin-ajax.php is the default input for WordPress AJAX calls. This functionality allow to change to something else and block default.

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This list only shows little history changelog. See the full changelog of this item --> FULL CHANGELOG.
27 Aug 2024 - Version 7.0.8 NULLED
16 Jan 2024 - Version 6.5.1 NULLED
03 Dec 2023 - Version 6.2.8 NULLED
18 Nov 2023 - Version 6.2 NULLED
14 Nov 2023 - Version 6.1.4 NULLED
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