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CSS Hero - Visual CSS Editor - V5.0.5 NULLED

Version: 5.0.5 NULLED

Item cover for download CSS Hero - Visual CSS Editor


CSS Hero 3 is the definitive WordPress plugin to easily customize the look of your site, with an easy and intuitive point and click interface.

Control every aspect of your WordPress sites

CSS Hero allows visual customization of any element of your site, all from your frontend. Live.

Customize Responsively

CSS Hero allows you to easily edit, preview and control how your site displays on desktop and handheld devices. Use standard breakpoints or your custom ones.

Device Mode Preview

Test tablet\mobile edits before pushing them online, crafting a responsive theme has never been so easy.

Device Specific Edits

Customize the way your theme appears on handheld devices, commit device-specific edits and preview them in a click.

No fear or breaking things

Fear of breaking your site's responsiveness with your editing? A life-saver "desktop only" feature allows you to limit some of your specific edits to desktop devices only, with one click.

Gather full control over your site's appearance

Simply mouseover and click the element you want to edit and adjust it to fit your needs, live!

Font Styles and Typography

Add a touch of class with your own fonts, a huge collection of Google Fonts is at your fingertips. TypeKit fonts are supported as well.

Color Management

Use a color picker to experiment live color and background changes like never before. Hero also stores your latest used colors, and helps building a consistent color palette.

Adjust Measures

Easily tune element margins and paddings: just drag a slider and view what happens.

UnSplash Integration

Ever wanted a nearly unlimited source of high quality, royalty-free, amazing pictures right at your fingertips? We've got you covered.

Complex CSS Made simple

Spice up your site elements: building gradients, box-shadows, text-shadows and all the modern CSS properties is now a point and click affair.

Readymade Snippets

Pre-made editable style combinations ready to boost your creativity with one click!

Undo / Redo History

We all design by experimentation. Ouch! Need to undo? Don't panic. CSS Hero automatically stores all your edits in a detailed history list, going back and forward in history steps is as easy as clicking the undo\redo buttons.

No vendor lock-in

Export your work as CSS, LESS, JSON data: you can export your site personalizations instantly and download it to file, for backup purpose as well.

CSS Code Editor

Review, refine and edit the generated CSS code while being able to quickly debug your work if needed.

Style As Unlogged

Style your website while having a real glance of how it will look like for your unlogged users.

Style Login Page

Styling WordPress log-in page has always been painful, forget about it, you can now style it in a breeze with CSS Hero.

Save CheckPoints

Store snapshots of your edits without having to push them live, store different versions, choose the one you prefer and go live.

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15 Feb 2022 - Version 5.0.5 NULLED
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