* Notifications - Handled Activity comment auto-generated notification incorrect text issue
* Forums - Handled small Forums widget issue shows wrong discussion count
* Activity - Handled activity comment @mention issue gets converted into HTML markup on post
* Media - Handled document upload double extension issue on document directory screen
* Media - Handled symlink option gets enabled issue when activity settings updated
* Media - Small improvement to fix console JS error when video popup is closed
* Messages - Handled private messages right click and paste action issue, adds duplicate copies from the clipboard
* Core - Icon Pack updated with latest icons
* REST API - Handled get activity videos API endpoint issue
* Compatibility - Handled 'GeoDirectory' broken listing layout compatibility issue
* Forums - Handled forum reply notification wrong pagination URL issue
* Activity - Handled activity modal @mention RTL language support issue
* Profiles - Handled other member's profile sub-tabs taking to logged-in members profile tabs issue
* Profiles - Handled activate account issue when registration is disabled
* Profiles - Small improvement to show 'See all' for the 'Recently Active Members' widget
* Groups - Handled HTML tags not working issue for group description
* Groups - Handled Group videos not showing issues for non-logged-in members
* Groups - Handled 'Enable Album in groups' option not working issue
* Media - Handled issue for moving photos into album action and not creating separate activity
* Media - Handled upload/delete photos action not updating count issue in profile and directory page
* Media - Handled edit privacy dropdown issue on documents directory screen
* Messages - Handled messages thread UI issue when switching between multiple threads quickly
* Network Search - Handled search results not showing issue even when search string exists in repeater fieldsets value
* Network Search - Handled search results pagination issue for blog posts and pages
* Core - Updated styling for toolbars and pickers across all content types editor
* Core - Handled a bunch of styling issues for Theme 2.0 updates
* Core - Small improvement to not close modal on discard draft for Activity, Forum discussion, and Forum replies
* REST API - Handled member connections cache purge not working issue
* REST API - Small notification endpoint improvement to redirect to specific reply considering pagination
* REST API - Handled wrong API response for discussion replies when discussion created in the admin dashboard
* REST API - Handled members endpoint critical issue when activity component is not active
* LearnDash - Handled js conflict on edit course screen when there are a huge number of members in the network
* LearnDash - Handled Learndash Group slug update issue on plugin activation
* WPML - Handled Social Groups tabs not working issue when switched to a different language
* Groups - Handled Group Parent settings removed issue when member deleted from the parent group
* Groups - Handled Group permission issue allowing members with no access to post activity
* Forums - Handled forum [bbp-search] shortcode not showing issue
* Forums - Handled Forum discussion tags getting deleted issue on reply update
* Activity - Handled Activity form text color issue when @mention added and removed
* Activity - Small improvement to show user-friendly validation message from dropzone uploader
* Activity - Small improvement to restrict media upload for post types auto-generated activity
* Activity - Handled post types auto-generated activity long comment read more issue
* Media - Handled symlink not working issue on private page excluded URL for non-logged-in member
* Media - Handled media upload not showing thumbnail issue for media size more than 10MB
* Media - Handled media popup layout issue for a specific set of device sizes
* Messages - Handled iPhone device message thread UX issue
* Network Search - Provided support to search members by email id
* Core - Handled a bunch of important styling issues for Theme 2.0 updates
* Core - Small layout improvement for popup in the admin Dashboard
* Core - Icon Pack updated with latest icons
* Core - Handled critical issue on fresh Platform plugin installation
* Coding Standards - Code Refactoring replacing wp_parse_args functions with custom
* Coding Standards - Code refactoring to support different notification types for custom development
* REST API - Group Document cannot be renamed if the same file is uploaded more then once
* REST API - Restrict media upload for post types auto-generated activity in the API
* REST API - Handled read more issue for blog posts auto-generated activity in the API
* Theme Options - Handled maintenance mode shows blank screen issue for administrator
* Theme Options - Small improvement for widgets to allow Footer 6th Column sidebar
* Styling - Handled a bunch of important styling issues for Theme 2.0 updates
* Menus - Handled custom icons not working issue for different display locations
* Forums - Handled Forum discussion tag getting deleted issue on reply update
* Forums - Handled forum [bbp-search] shortdcode UI issues
* Activity - Handled Post activity not working UX issue without refresh
* Core - Icon Pack updated with latest icons
* Core - Handled critical issue on Theme activation when 'BuddyBoss Platform' plugin is not active
* LearnDash - Handled Dark Mode styling issues for Lessons, Topics, and Quizzes
* Events Calendar Pro - Handled colors CSS conflicts
* Compatibility - Handled WooCommerce Membership and Elementor plugins conflict
* Compatibility - Handled minor UX issue of page scrolling on submitting Gravity Forms
* Compatibility - Handled conflict with TranslatePress on the Course page when switching to different languages
* Profiles - Handled critical issue in Profile when forum component not enabled
* Groups - Handled group invitation screen UI issue in profile
* Groups - Handled memory issue for a non-logged-in member for group with a large number of invitations
* Groups - Handled hidden group activity privacy issue
* Activity - Handled activity form, privacy selection issue
* Media - Handled photo and document update privacy issue in the popup
* Performance - Improved @mention performance to query for right usernames on page and post
* REST API - Small improvement in group details API endpoint
* REST API - Handled message API caching issue
* Compatibility - Handled WordPress 5.8 compatibility issue on save profile action
Created | 21-11-2019 |
Updated | 06-08-2022 |
Category | Themes |
File size | 13.30 MB |
Comments | 0 |
Views | 4869 |
Sales | 1 |
Downloaded | 3 |