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WooCommerce Mixpanel - V1.17.0

Version: 1.17.0

Item cover for download WooCommerce Mixpanel


Add Mixpanel tracking to your WooCommerce store with one click and start getting actionable metrics today. Easily segment your data to easily perform complex analysis, visualize your checkout funnel with sales funnel reports, and watch visitors interact with your store in real-time.

WooCommerce Mixpanel Segmentation Builder

Designed for Mixpanel

This extension is designed to work with Mixpanel, the most advanced web and mobile analytics tool that gives you actionable metrics for your business. You’ll need to sign up for a free Mixpanel account if you don’t already have one. Mixpanel is free for a limited number of data points per month.

Get Insight into Your Revenue and Customers

Track your revenue over time and easily segment by product, category, and more. See the average number of customers over time combined with average revenue per customer to give you better insight into how your store is performing.

WooCommerce Mixpanel Trends

Visualize Your Sales Funnel

See the percentage of people in each step of your checkout funnel so you can improve your checkout process. You can even segment the sales funnel by category or product!

WooCommerce Mixpanel Funnel Visualization

Easily build your visualizations and see exactly the information you want.

WooCommerce Mixpanel Funnel Builder

Once you’ve built your visualization, use the the funnel analysis tools to perform a deep data analysis.

WooCommerce Mixpanel Deep Funnel Analysis

Real-Time Analytics

Running a one-day sale or advertising campaign and want to see how your customers are using your site? Use the built-in Stream view to see activity on your site in real-time.

WooCommerce Mixpanel Stream

Powerful Customization

All event and property names are customizable through the admin interface and can be individually disabled. Customers are automatically tied to their WordPress username or email address when logged in. Custom events can be tracked by adding a snippet to your theme.

WooCommerce Mixpanel Admin Settings
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30 Mar 2021 - Version 1.17.0
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