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Log Update Item WP User Frontend Pro
This page only show history update item WP User Frontend Pro.

* Enhancement - Multistep Form: Save draft on every step

* Enhancement - Password strength validation added

* Enhancement - show Password icon added

* Enhancement - Email hiding filter introduced in user profile

* Enhancement - 'wpuf_message_floating_button_text' Floating button filter introduced for Private Message

* Enhancement - 'wpuf_profile_header_user_phone' User phone no filter introduced for User Directory

* Enhancement - 'wpuf_profile_header_user_email' User email filter introduced for User Directory

* Enhancement - 'wpuf_profile_header_user_url' User URL filter introduced for User Directory

* Enhancement - 'wpuf_profile_header_user_bio' User bio filter introduced for User Directory

* Enhancement - User Directory: Exclude user based on status pending/denied/approved shortcode (like: [wpuf_user_listing status_exclude="pending, denied, approved"] user from the listing

* Enhancement - User Directory: Provide a chat button on the listing profile [if the private message module is enabled]

* Enhancement - User Directory: Single listing page permalink/URL changing user-controller as per username

* Fix - conditional logic not working on meta-box

* Fix - text-area type selection(Normal, Rich text-area, Teeny Rich text-area) bug in field options

* Fix - Menu description not showing

* Fix - Conditional logic not working on meta-box

* Fix - Frontend form validation

* Enhancement - Phone field added in form builder

* Enhancement - Time field added in form builder

* Enhancement - Meta key enhanced for user email notification

* Enhancement - Container added for instance track

* Enhancement - Email template enhanced for after activation

* Enhancement - Activity module enhanced

* Fix - Shortcode field label enhanced

* Fix - Non decimal currencies handled for stripe

* Fix - Rollback abuse through draft issue handled

* Fix - Post expiration not working fixed

* Fix - Conditional required fields error handled

* Fix - Profile form preview issue handled

* Fix - Template override for child theme fixed

* Fix - Special character password handled for login

* Fix - Coupon with no value error fixed

* Fix - Translation related issue handled for admin menu

* Fix - Conditional radio / checkbox with default value not working handled

* Fix - PHP 8 compatibility handled

* Fix - Email template settings issue handled

* Fix - Private message menu error fixed

* Fix - Math captcha value to single digit

* Fix - Invoice logo not found issue handled

* Fix - fpdf php 8 issue handled by upgrade

* Fix - reCaptcha conflict with other plugin handled

* Fix - QRcode field no value inconsistency handled

* Enhancement - Featured item for subscriber

* Enhancement - Warning added for unsaved form data on frontend

* Enhancement - Editor added for registration form email template

* Enhancement - User directory admin user profile tab control for admin

* Enhancement - User directory frontend reset button, back to listing button added, design improvements

* Enhancement - User directory frontend settings profile header, user listing template images updated

* Enhancement - User directory frontend media file optimized

* Fix - Vendor registration form redirect issue handled

* Fix - License menu issues fixed

* Fix - Content restriction error handled

* Fix - Required address field conditional inconsistency fixed

* Fix - Tribe events calender data not syncing properly