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Log Update Item WPMU DEV - SmartCrawl
This page only show history update item WPMU DEV - SmartCrawl.

Fix: Fixed minor security concerns

Improvement: Code improvements

New: Readability analysis support for 7 new languages

Improvement: Better SEO analysis support for languages other than English

Fix: Minor bug fixes and copy changes

Fix: Critical error due to conflict with schema plugin

Fix: XSS vulnerability

New: Sitemap support for WPML with different domains per language

Improvement: Improved ability to translate SEO options through WPML

Improvement: SEO Checkup removed in favor of new SEO Audit tool

Fix: When importing from Yoast, options can't be excluded

Fix: News Sitemap settings tab getting stuck for several seconds on large sites

Fix: Certain redirects not working with plain permalink structure

Fix: CSV import failing on windows

Fix: Regex redirects matching partial URLs

Improvement: Visibility of redirect upgrade notice restricted to admins

New: Regex redirects

New: Ability to bulk import and export redirects from CSV 

New: Ability to search through redirects

New: Relative URL support in redirects

New: Query variable support in redirects

Improvement: New SmartCrawl admin menu icon

Improvement: New design for email reports

Fix: Sitemaps documentation link not pointing to the correct section

Fix: Cursor in redirect modal jumping to EOL after every key press

New: Advanced WooCommerce SEO Options

Improvement: Include homepage URL in the first page sitemap in addition to the first post sitemap


Fix: Schema module self-activates upon any changes to the Social module

Fix: Custom taxonomy terms with dashes not supported in macros

Improvement: Whitelabel improvements

Improvement: Code and stability improvements