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Log Update Item MarketKing - Ultimate Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin for WooCommerce
This page only show history update item MarketKing - Ultimate Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin for WooCommerce.

New Features :

- Introduced Stripe Connect Split Pay Gateway

- Added 'Clone Product' option in vendor dashboard for easier product creation

- Integration with QR Codes plugin


- Added caching to plugin dashboard data for faster backend performance

- Dashboard UI improvements

- Improved handling of bonus payments

- Attributes can now be configured without saving the product first

Fixes :

- Bug and error fixes

- Fixed dashboard and reports chart draw errors

- Compatibility fix with Flatsome theme

- Fixed commission error related to partial refunds

- No longer possible to make withdrawal requests exceeding balance


  • Introduced support for new filters in the vendor dashboard
  • General improvements to links display


  • Fix for issue where the stores list page was not searchable for logged out users
  • Fixed issue with country / state selector connection in registration
  • Fixed CSS issue in products page in dashboard
  • Fixed issue where vendors could see products they did not own
  • Fix for directory overwriting templates for child themes
  • Fixed issue with the display of order items on the manage order page
  • Fixed issue where vendor did not display in admin orders page
  • Fixed conflict with Elementor on product page in some situations
  • Fixed 'select multiple options' bug for registration fields in backend.
  • Fix for Primrose theme
  • Fixed error in the vendor dashboard product section related to the Image Gallery section.
Product Added to the system.