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Log Update Item Qixer - Multi-Vendor On demand Service Marketplace and Service Finder
This page only show history update item Qixer - Multi-Vendor On demand Service Marketplace and Service Finder.

[added] new api added for mobile app

[added] service details page image gallery make background image so that all of them stay same height.

[added] restructure category page

[added] restructure sub category page

[added] filter in category/subcategory page

[added] Live Chat Addon Support Added

[fixed] many translatable string issue fixed

[fixed] service list page subcategory issue fixed, it automatically load all the subcategory, not it will only load selected category subcategory for it.

[fixed] rename mercado pago secret key to access token when you are in live mode

[fixed] fixed service book page static $.00 text

[added] new mobile API implemented

[added] minor important in the code base

[fixed] Email styling issue in Gmail fixed

[fixed] verification mail not sent after registering from mobile devices

[fixed] notification error issue fixed

[fixed] GMT -2 timezone getting the wrong date while placing a booking issue fixed.

Product Added to the system.