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Log Update Item AutomatorWP BuddyBoss
This page only show history update item AutomatorWP BuddyBoss.

* **Improvements**

* Improved trigger "User updates profile information" to avoid launch it when information did not change.

* **Bug Fixes**

* Fixed group ID type in action "Remove user from group".

* **New Features**

* New tags: Invitation tags to get the inviter and invited IDs.

* **Bug Fixes**

* Fixed role group conditions in filters "User is not in group role" and "User is in group role".

* **Improvements**

* Labels modified in filters "User is not in group role" and "User is in group role".

* **Improvements**

* Improved Activity tags to use the media content added to an activity

* **New Features**

* New action: Create a subgroup in a group.

* **Bug Fixes**

* Fixed group ID type in action "Add user to group".

* **New Features**

* New tags: Activity tags to use the media content added to an activity (image, document, video).