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Log Update Item Ultimate Affiliate Management System - PHP Platform
This page only show history update item Ultimate Affiliate Management System - PHP Platform.

New - AI-Powered Automated Tool For Testing Important and Critical System Settings.
New - Admin Panel: S-MODE functionality Added. Ability to run the system as store mode, external mode, or both.
New - Admin Panel: New design and UI/UX improvements to the admin dashboard home page
New - Admin Panel: Reports functionality Added. Export dashboard graph to Excel/PDF/Image.
New - Admin Panel: A New setting for shortened currency formatting has been Added.
New - Admin Panel: Refinement and Re-engineering of the Statistics Graph Page.
New - Admin Panel: Integration of System Statistics into the Administrator Dashboard Page.
New - Admin Panel: In this update, theme colors will reset to match our New design. You can customize them again post-update.
Improved - Admin Panel: Notification bell counter improvements in the admin header.
Improved - Admin Panel: Reports functionality Improved under activity>>users reports. [Export to PDF].
Improved - Admin Panel: Reports functionality Improved under activity>>users reports. [Export to Excel].
Improved - Admin Panel: Store client section: Client form profile, info popup, and shipping data improvements.
Improved - Vendor Panel: Total balance calculation improvements.
Improved - User Panel: Tooltip Added to all campaigns/products list on the dashboard.
Improved - User Panel: Tooltip Added to all campaigns/products list on the Banners & Links page.
Improved - User Panel: Membership module – user payment process improvements.
Improved - User Panel: User notification design improvements.
Improved - Friend Invite: Now works even if Consent Cookies are disabled.
Improved - Store Cart/Sales mode: Client profile/shipping section: Improvements in data display.
Fixed - Admin Panel: The import language package button is not functional.
Fixed - User Panel: Get code and Terms icons/links were Fixed.
Fixed - Multiple-Pages Theme: Terms not available in the popup. Fixed.
Fixed - Local store settings: Display the correct symbol after switching to the Fixed commission type.

- NEW - Multiple Pages Theme: Add a new color setting to the bottom banner before the footer

- NEW - Local Store: Downloadable icon added to downloadable product type

- IMPROVE - Local Store module improvements

- IMPROVE - Membership module improvements

- IMPROVE - System core improvements

- FIXED - QR code is not in the middle of the popup

- FIXED - Local Store: Categories count does not display all products

- FIXED - Local Store: front side tags section is displayed empty tags

- FIXED - Membership: Unlimited campaigns/products vendor plan setting

- FIXED - Multiple Pages Theme: when adding multiple sliders, the button link does not work

- Must run update version To Improve the performance

Update Nulled Version.

- FIXED - User total balance minor issue
- FIXED - Affiliate plugin for WooCommerce - improve and bug fixes
- Must run update version To Improve the performance
Product Added to the system.