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Log Update Item AutomatorWP
This page only show history update item AutomatorWP.

* **New Features**

* New integration: Download Manager.

* New integration: JetFormBuilder.

* New integration: StudioCart.

* JetFormBuilder: New trigger: User submits a form.

* JetFormBuilder: New anonymous trigger: Guest submits a form.

* StudioCart: New trigger: User purchases a product.

* **Improvements**

* LearnDash: Added name of groups in "Make user the leader of a group" action label.

* **Bug Fixes**

* Fixed user ID assigned on "Delete user" action.

* **Bug Fixes**

* MailPoet: Fixed variable type error in "Add subscriber to list" action due to MailPoet new version.

* **New Features**

* BuddyBoss: New tags: Invitation tags to get the inviter and invited IDs.

* **Bug Fixes**

* BuddyPress: Fixed the add user to group action to prevent to work with strings as group ID.

* BuddyBoss: Fixed the add user to group action to prevent to work with strings as group ID.

* Fixed a PHP notice in AutomatorWP settings screen.

* **Bug Fixes**

* Fixed incorrect function in the Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) integration.

* **New Features**

* New integration: Advanced Custom Fields (ACF).

* Advanced Custom Fields: New trigger: User updates post field with a value.

* Advanced Custom Fields: New action: Update post field with a value.

* **Bug Fixes**

* Fixed some incorrect text domain names.

* **Improvements**

* ActiveMember360: All actions adapted to last version of ActiveMember360.

* **Bug Fixes**

* wpForo: Updated wpForo install check to meet wpForo main class change in 2.0.0.

* Fixed parameters check when excluding URLs.

* **Bug Fixes**

* ActiveCampaign: Fixed a bug that causes contact is not detected in ActiveCampaign if email contains special characters.

* **New Features**

* Added the "All posts" automation, an automation to run actions on all or on a filtered group of posts manually, on a specific date or on a recurring basis (Ideal for automate maintenance tasks on your site posts like clean up the older posts or email administrators about pending ones).

* **Improvements**

* Improved the redirect URL Javascript checks.

* **New Features**

* Added the "All users" automation, an automation to run actions on all or on a filtered group of users manually, on a specific date or on a recurring basis.

* **Improvements**

* Improved the redirect URL action to work even when other plugins do a redirect.

* Removed a non required check of a Javascript file exists in AutomatorWP > Settings screen.

* Prevent PHP warnings during activation caused by CMB2 library.