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Log Update Item WPEverest User Registration Pro
This page only show history update item WPEverest User Registration Pro.

* Feature  - Form Templates.

* Enhance  - Support links on the checkbox field option.

* Dev      - Stripe Addon Refactor Compatibility.

* Dev      - Two Factor Authentication Addon Compatibility.

* Dev      - Added filter to hide specific fields in view details page with meta key.

* Tweak    - Filter to change view details page title.

* Tweak    - Add page state for user registration my account page.

* Fix      - WYSIWYG field value parse.

* Fix      - Localize reCAPTCHA script conditionally.

* Fix      - Date not fetched in proper format in admin edit profile.

* Fix      - Undefined index version while entering and activating license.

* Fix      - Disable Default WordPress Login Screen not working on custom login page.

* Fix      - WooCommerce password strength meter conflicting with reset password page.

* Feature  - Tooltip in Form Fields.​

* Feature  - View Profile Details Shortcode.​

* Feature  - Support auto populate for invite code.

* Enhance  - Parse smart tag values in appropriate format to display​.

* Refactor - Remove field icon code.​

* Refactor - Add Field Icon Display Hooks.​

* Refactor - Replace jQuery tiptip with Tooltipster for tooltip​.

* Tweak    - Double quoted main font family ignored by browsers.​

* Tweak    - Replace incremental file name function with WordPress default.​

* Tweak    - Revert content overrider not saving code back to old working one.​

* Tweak    - Settings option label made consistent​.

* Fix    - Flatpickr localization issue.

* Fix    - File type valid value format.​

* Fix    - Select All option translation issue.​

* Fix    - Conditional Logic enabled required field issue. ​

* Fix      - External Plugin field mapping area not displayed.

* Fix    - Invalid argument error in foreach when updating pro.​

* Fix    - Redirection after registration not working with block.​

* Fix    - Error thrown when uploaded file is not found in upload directory.​

* Fix      - Ajax Submission not working in edit profile when required field empty.

* Fix    - Lost password not working when no default account page with forgot password endpoint​.

* Feature  - Keyboard Friendly Forms.

* Feature  - Map form fields value to external plugin field metas.

* Enhance  - Display Keyboard Shortcuts Popup when (Ctrl + H) is pressed.

* Enhance  - Toggle introduced in metabox settings.

* Tweak    - Added trigger after edit profile ajax submission.

* Dev      - Replace str_contains with strpos in settings title capitalization function.

* Fix      - Quick Links Content Toggle Issue.

* Fix      - Prevent Active Login Toggle Issue.

* Fix      - Remove whitespace before form fields.

* Fix      - Form Field icon issue in firefox browser.

* Fix      - Undefined index field_name in country field.

* Fix      - Date Range not accepting end date in access rule.

* Fix      - Required option value for field not rendered dynamically in form builder.

* Fix      - File upload path permission denied due to no existence of file directory.

* Feature  - Approve User via Email Token Link.

* Feature  -  Validate as unique field.

* Refactor - Settings title, options and tooltips typos change.

* Refactor - Added new Misc settings tab for all advanced global settings.

* Tweak    - Added missing translations.

* Tweak    - Make translatable Registration URL on Login form.

* Dev      - Hook after user meta update.

* Dev      - Validate unique field compatibility

* Dev      - Date format filter for registered log in users table.

* Fix      - Plugin path with invalid slashes.

* Fix      - Profile Picture removed when profile updated.

* Fix    - Inactive status not updating for disabled emails.

* Fix      - Email templates content overrider texts not saving.

* Fix      - Undefined Std::class $plugin in add new plugin page.

* Fix      - Undefined Std::class $version in view details action.

* Fix      - HTML content in popup header and footer not supported.

* Fix      - View details link in plugins row action broken for addons.

* Feature  - Native date Field.

* Enhance  - Profile Picture and File Upload to different folder.

* Dev      - Social connect with login option.

* Dev      - Proper escaping on left out htmls.

* Dev      - Hook for notice in registration form.

* Dev      - Hook for customize edit profile fields.

* Dev      - Filter hook for admin action redirect in users section.

* Tweak    - URL to pricing page from extensions menu.

* Tweak    - Filter to change lost password page button text.

* Tweak    - Remove Add User Registration Form button from wp-editor in URCMA settings.

* Fix      - Popup issue with wpcover block.

* Fix      - Learndash login conflict with prevent core login feature.

* Fix      - Country field value issue in edit profile when placeholder is set.

Fix      - Wrong label of save changes button in settings.

* Feature  - Getting started page.

* Fix      - My Account translation issue.

* Fix      - Profile picture not being uploaded.

* Fix      - No file uploaded error in edit profile.

* Fix      - Twenty Twenty Two theme form preview issue.

* Fix      - Select value not shown when placeholder is set in edit profile.

* Fix      - Empty email field after profile updates when field visibility set to readonly.

* Fix      - Conditional assign role not working.

* Fix      - Inline email content on save.

* Fix      - Conditional logic not working.

* Fix      - Multi select2 value not being saved in edit profile.

* Fix      - Multiple profile updated email to admin.

Fix      - ReCaptcha Backward Compatibility Issue.

* Feature  - Combine two login option.

* Dev      - Introduce hooks for save button in myaccount.

* Tweak    - Common conditional logic design.

* Fix      - Security and escaping issues.

* Fix      - Cannot unhide labels.

* Fix      - Profile picture remove, update and save on the edit profile page.

* Fix      - File upload data not updated in profile details changed email.