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Log Update Item Filter Everything — WordPress/WooCommerce Product Filter
This page only show history update item Filter Everything — WordPress/WooCommerce Product Filter.

* Dev   - Added "Apply button" mode to filtering

* Dev   - Added ability to redirect filtering results to a page from any page

* Tweak - Replaced filter order numbers with "move" icons

Fix   - Fixed bug when new filters could not be added with WPML activated

* Fix   - Fixed Select2 version compatibility problem on Filter Set and Filter Settings pages

* Dev   - Improved performance by adding SQL queries caches

* Dev   - Added support filtering values on any language (Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew and so on)

* Fix - Fixed bug with Custom Field Num filter for non-product posts

* Fix   - Fixed bug with AND logic for filters by hierarchical taxonomies

* Fix   - Meta key Dropdown field was replaced with Input without suggestions due to performance issues

* Fix   - Fixed Sorting Dropdown field for AJAX filtering

* Fix   - Fixed bug with paginate links for comments

* Fix   - Improved compatibility with the WP Query that already contains this term. "Term already in Query" check.

* Tweak - Improved "Hide empty Terms" by adding new option "Hide in the initial Filter only"

* Tweak - Added Russian translations

* Dev   - Added search field to a filter

* Dev   - Improved Pop-up filters widget design and behavior

* Dev   - Added compatibility checkbox for Pop-up filters widget on mobile

* Dev   - Added support of brand images for WooCommerce brand attributes

* Dev   - Improved Custom Field Num filtering for product variations

* Dev   - Improved Chips integration

* Dev   - Improved filtering by variations. Added checkbox "Use for variations" to Custom Fields

* Fix   - Fixed small issue with Polylang

* Fix   - Fixed bug with paginate links in

* Fix - Fixed bug with range slider values on filtering pages

* Fix   - Removed 'user_trailingslashit' for 'get_post_type_archive_link' in 'getCommonLocationTerms' method

* Tweak - Improved chips design to make them more lightweight

* Tweak - Added ability to translate stock status terms

* Tweak - Improved behavior of the "Hide empty terms" feature - now it always hide empty terms

* Tweak - Added pjax compatibility

Product Added to the system.