Total 26/03/2025 : We HAVE 11277 Items and more than 3513 happy members.
Log Update Item eBook - Laravel CMS Script
This page only show history update item eBook - Laravel CMS Script.


- Update the Laravel version to 7.30.4


- XML sitemap

- Custom comments system on Books

- Admin theme colors options

- Newsletter subscription

- Setting option for Reading books by members only

- Setting option for change default view(grid/list) for eBooks listing page

- Setting option for enable/disable comments

- Setting option for clear cache

- Setting option for enable/disable Cookie bar


- Fixed category filter issue with pagination

- Fixed showing duplicate eBooks issues, when an eBook translation is available and apply "alphabetic" sort

- Fixed search issues

- Fixed category tree view issues in admin, when deleting parent category

- Home page is not working when layout to slider and  slider is not selected

- Minor bug fixed

Product Added to the system.