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Log Update Item Gravity Forms Square Add-On
This page only show history update item Gravity Forms Square Add-On.

- Added [gform_square_card_details_style]( filter to replace [gform_square_card_style](

- Updated Square SDK from sqPaymentForm to Web Payments.

- Updated field settings to remove the field style setting because new SDK doesn't support the traditional view.

- Added support for indefinite subscriptions.

- Fixed an issue that prevents the Square field from rendering on page load if the form has conditional logic set for other fields.

- Fixed an issue where subscription creation fails if the existing customer does not hve a name.

- Fixed an issue where clicking submit twice for a form with a form total of 0 bypasses required Cardholder Name field.

- Fixed an issue where a form with a form total of 0 requires the Cardholder Name field.

- Fixed a fatal error when getting refunds during the hourly `gravityformssquare_cron` job.

- Fixed a fatal error which occurs on form render and the add-on settings pages for some hosting environments.

- Updated plan names that are created in Square to be more accurate for new feeds.

- Updated the styling for the disconnect alert messaging.

- API: Updated to use the Square REST API instead of the Square PHP SDK, which will be removed in a future release.

- API: Added support for using `define( 'GF_SQUARE_DEBUG', true );` in the wp-config.php file to log Square REST API request and response data.

- API: Fixed an issue where the Square field is not initialized by frontend feed evaluation when the formId passed into the `gform_frontend_feeds_evaluated` callback is a string.

- Added ability to create continuous subscriptions.

- Added support for using `define( 'GF_SQUARE_DEBUG', true );` in the wp-config.php file to log Square REST API request and response data.

- Updated plan names that are created in Square to be more accurate for new feeds.

- Updated to use the Square REST API instead of the Square PHP SDK.

- Fixed an issue where the Square field is not initialized by frontend feed evaluation when the formId passed into the `gform_frontend_feeds_evaluated` callback is a string.

- Fixed an issue that prevented the square field from rendering on page load if the form has conditional logic set for other fields.

Fixed an issue with subscriptions not being able to be created for existing customers without a name.

- Updated the behavior when SSL is not enabled to display a better error message and prevent the field from loading.

- Updated idempotency key methods to improve uniqueness.

- Updated Square Connect SDK to the most-recent Square PHP SDK.

- Fixed a typo in subscription cancellation error message.

- Fixed a typo in the text domain for the authentication notice.

- Fixed an issue that prevents payments from submitting when a Square field is used in combination with invisible reCAPTCHA.

- Fixed an issue where a Javascript error occurs on multi page forms with AJAX enabled.

- Fixed an issue that causes a fatal error when running the add-on on older versions of WordPress.

- Fixed an issue that causes subscription metadata to be updated with every call to the Square API even if the details are unchanged.

- Fixed an issue that prevents the Square field from initializing when conditional logic criteria are unmet.

- Fixed an issue where the Square field is incorrectly rendered when another form field is configured with conditional logic rules.

Product Added to the system.