* Fix: the Shipping section was missing on the Neve theme
* Fix: alternative way of adding the thumbnails to the Order section, in case the use of the "woocommerce_cart_item_name" hook conflicts with other plugins
* Fix: the Order section was missing when the Elementor Pro Checkout widget was used on the checkout page
* Fix: compatibility with the Local Pickup Plus plugin by SkyVerge
* Fix: validation error for custom fields with conditional logic added by the Flexible Checkout Fields Pro plugin.
* Fix: compatibility with the OceanWP theme
* Fix: the multi-steps weren't loading if the "Fallback Modus" option from the Germanized plugin is enabled.
* Fix: compatibility between the "Double Opt-In Customer Registration" option from German Market plugin for the registration form on the checkout page.
* Fix: don't jump to steps which hold hidden invalid fields
* Fix: required radio fields were not validated per step
* Fix: Register with the "woocommerce_checkout_fields" filter the optional fields set with the Checkout Manager for WooCommerce plugin by QuadLayers
* Fix: move the "woocommerce-notices-wrapper" before the step tabs
* Compatibility with the themes by `fuelthemes`
* Fix: the select2 was not initialized on the shipping country and shipping state fields