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Log Update Item Gravity Forms File Upload Pro
This page only show history update item Gravity Forms File Upload Pro.

Fixed issue where images would not be output into PDFs generated by Gravity PDF if the extensions were not all lowercase.

- Fixed issue where uploading PSDs with a MIME type of either `image/psd` or `image/vnd.adobe.photoshop` would result in the file icon only showing a spinner and the upload not completing.

- Added "Update URI" to plugin header to improve security.

- Fixed issue where rehydration info would be output for any File Upload Field rather than ones using File Upload Pro which could cause PHP errors in some situations.

- Fixed JavaScript conflict that could occur in the Full Site Editor in WordPress 5.9 Beta.

Added [gpfup_uploader_ready]( JS action so other perks can safely subscribe to GPFUP events after the uploader has initialized. (#49)

- Added data-file-type and data-file-ext attributes to each file to enable more specific CSS targeting.

- Fixed PHP warning that could occur if Single File Upload fields are present in a form.

- Added support for rehydrating File Upload Pro fields connected to Gravity Forms User Registration update feeds.

Added new [gpfup_scripts]( PHP filter for filtering the registered scripts.

Fixed issue where the "replacingFile" code flag on the Plupload instance would not be removed after a file had been replaced.

- Updated TIFFs to be treated as regular files since most browsers cannot render them nor convert to another format.

- Improved compatibility with other plugins using Vue as a dependency on the frontend. File Upload Pro now enqueues Vue as `gravityperks-vue-2`.

- Fixed an issue where disabling cropping on a field after requiring it may cause GPFUP to freeze.