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Log Update Item PublishPress Revisions Pro
This page only show history update item PublishPress Revisions Pro.

* Feature : Revision Edit - Administrators and editors have approval button for unsubmitted revisions

* Feature : Revision Queue - Bulk Edit includes "Decline" action to return "Submitted" revisions back to "Not Submitted"

* Feature : Revision Queue - New "Copy" row action

* Compat : WooCommerce - Support revision submission for Product Variations

* Compat : The Events Calendar - Revision Queue displayed wrong Schedule Date for revisions

* Compat : PublishPress Revisions - fatal error loading Customizer

* Compat : WPML Translation Management - Include submitted, scheduled revisions in Translation Dashboard

* Compat : PublishPress Authors - Revision submission failed

* Compat : PublishPress Permissions - Fatal error loading Customizer (also requires Permissions 3.7.6)

* Fixed : Scheduled Revisions fail on some sites

* Fixed : Editors could not manage unsubmitted revisions without manage_unsubmitted_revisions capability, even if "Additional role capability required" setting disabled

* Fixed : Non-public Post types had non-functional revision preview links, revision publication redirects

* Fixed : Edit Revision - alignment and spacing in revision status sidebar

* Fixed : Edit Revision - submit / approve buttons were re-enabled after toggle from Block to Post tab

* Fixed : Revision Queue - checkbox column did not have a "select all" box

* Fixed : Post Editor - New Revision button was not displayed 

* Lang : Some translations did not load

* Fixed : Edit Revision with Classic Editor - submit button not displayed for some custom post types

Fixed : Scheduled Revisions failed on WP 5.9 if WP Cron scheduling was disabled in Revisions settings

* Fixed : Revision submission in Classic Editor caused "Undefined" link next to "Preview" link

* Fixed : New revisions created with "Auto-submit" option had wrong date (and listing order) in Revision Queue

* Fixed : PHP error on revision approval under some configurations

* Fixed : Dashboard Activity widget: Scheduled revisions were not included in Publishing Soon list

* Fixed : API: wp_after_insert_post action was not applied at revision publication

* Compat : Divi - Revision preview bar not visible on front end

* Compat : Divi - Classic Editor setting did not trigger correct Revisions UI

* Compat : Custom post types - revision submission button not displayed in some configurations

* API: New filters pp_revisions_option_pending_revision_update_post_date, ​pp_revisions_option_pending_revision_update_modified_date, ​pp_revisions_option_scheduled_revision_update_post_date​, ​pp_revisions_option_scheduled_revision_update_modified_date

* Feature : Edit link in post editor after revision creation / scheduling

* Change : Option to auto-submit revisions created by users who can publish the main post

* Change : Option to publish scheduled revisions using WP-Cron

* Fixed : Scheduled publication of revisions fails on WP Engine if caching enabled (fix by enabling WP Cron scheduling)

* Fixed : WP 5.9 - After editing a revision, approval button remained disabled after revision update

* Fixed : New revisions were not listed in Revision Queue or linked to Preview button under some conditions

* Fixed : Compare Revisions: error if ACF is active on a PHP 8 installation

* Fixed : Revision Queue - column headers (to set sort field) had a bad link

* Fixed : WordPress 5.9 - When editing a submitted revision, Save button was hidden

* Fixed : Revision Compare did not load on some sites

* Fixed : Option "Editing others' revisions requires role capability" was not applied

* Fixed : Option to block editing others' revisions was not applied

* Compat : Elementor - Scheduled Revisions could not be updated with Elementor editor without publishing immediately

Compat : WordPress 5.9 - Revisions could not be updated using Gutenberg editor

* Fixed : Revision status changes not updated on sites running an object cache

* Fixed : Revision deletion from within editor left an inaccessible trashed revision and redirected to Edit Posts. Now deletes revision and redirects to Revision Queue.

* Fixed : manage_unsubmitted_revisions capability was required without any hint in plugin settings; Now not required unless configured in Revisions > Settings

* Fixed : Classic Editor - Javascript error breaks plugin compatibility

* Fixed : Gutenberg Editor - Top margin for Preview button following revision submission

* Fixed : Compare screen - could not approve revisions

* Fixed : Compare screen - ampersands in user display name were displayed with html encoding

* Fixed : Revision Queue - Revisions from deactivated post types were listed with invalid Edit, Delete links and a blank Post Type

* Fixed : Compare Revisions - Preview / Restore button for past revisions linked back to Compare screen

* Fixed : Input sanitization consistency

* Change : Revision preview top bar styling

* Compat : Beaver Builder 2.5 - Attempts to create or edit a revision in Beaver Builder were redirected out of editor

* Compat : Beaver Builder Themer - Edit with Beaver link was broken for non-public post types

* Compat : Beaver Builder - "Submit for Review" button was not recaptioned to "Submit Revision"

* Compat : Beaver Builder - Unresponsive Revision preview bar was displayed while editing with Beaver Builder 

* Compat : LifterLMS - LLMS query filters broke Revision Queue

* Compat : WPML - Database error in Revision Queue

* Fixed : Key activation connection failure caused an invisible fatal error to be logged

* Fixed : Revision Queue: PHP error on bulk action under some site configurations

* Fixed : Edit Revision - revisions could not be updated unless SCRIPT_DEBUG is enabled on the site

* Fixed : Revisions could not be scheduled if Settings > Revisions > Revision Submission is disabled

* Fixed : Published custom post types not listed to Revisors under some configurations (Permissions integration requires Permissions 3.6.4)

* Fixed : Multisite - network-wide settings screens were non-functional