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Log Update Item Essential Grid WordPress Plugin
This page only show history update item Essential Grid WordPress Plugin.
  • Allow core addons installation without the activation
  • Fixed filters on "Skin Overview" page
  • If database can not be created, a notice will be shown and the database creation can be triggered again
  • Template popup redesign
  • Move "Rightclick Protection" feature from core to Addon
  • Move "Watermarks" from core to Addon
  • Move "Convert WP Gallery to grid" from core to Addon
  • Move "Mediafilters" from core to Addon
  • Fixed saved page number exceed grid count
  • Fixed clicking search "Icon" open the filter dropdown in "Dropdown on click" mode
  • Fixed Divi shortcodes in ajax requests
  • Fixed convert gutenberg gallery into a grid
  • Fixed limit for stream count for all source types
  • Fixed the_content filter don’t use the current post but the post_id of the page
  • Fixed featured image appear before the ALT image loads in lightbox
  • Fixed grid not working in Elementor Tabs
  • Fixed simultaneous Youtube videos autoplay in grid
  • Fixed "Clear Categories" for post source type
  • Fixed Search and Load More wont show found items
  • Fixed Vimeo and Youtube lightbox not autoplaying on mobile
  • Fixed direct linking to filter shows wrong count in dropdown on page load
  • Fixed gmt post date in item skin
  • Fixed item skin editor js errors
  • Fixed sort warning for non-numeric grid item ID
  • Fixed delete full cache
  • Fixed cache for grids with random sort
  • Fixed not possible to select first sort value
  • Fixed sort by date
  • Fixed Video in lightbox not autoplaying on Safari
  • Enable Gutenberg Editor for example posts
  • Fixed Lightbox Content Overflow option
  • Fixed Image vertical align in backend preview
  • Fixed Lightbox based on Content Gallery for Gutenberg posts
  • Changed notice containers in the WordPress plugin page for a better user experience
  • Added Right click protection feature
  • Added ability to add "nofollow" attribute to an EG link
  • Added option to sort filters in alphabetical order
  • Added lightbox enchancements
  • Added Smart Image size feature
  • RB Tools Updated
  • Fixed filter counter not displaying in the editor preview
  • Fixed filter counter infinity loading bug
  • Fixed grid setting pages select always visible on source switch
  • Fixed search for non loaded items
  • Fixed filter dropdown start text visible only if filter layout is dropdown
  • Fixed ajax error on PHP8
  • Fixed backend Manual sorting on last item in a Row without pagination
  • Fixed Vimeo Fullscreen flickering on Safari
  • Fixed @import to be the first rule in nav skins css
  • Fixed media ratio not hidden in "auto" mode for masonry layout
  • Fixed autoplaying Mp4 videos with sound on lightbox
  • Fixed custom meta filters options order
  • Fixed masonry layout in backend preview
  • Fixed backend preview
  • Fixed Load More button for Flat Light skin
  • Fixed Scroll to Offset
  • Fixed post custom meta multi select stuck selected values
  • Fixed post custom meta multi select values after update
  • Fixed shortcode filter counter
  • Fixed conflicts with latest RS library
  • Fixed hover animation remains on mobile devices after navigating back
  • Added Watermarks feature
  • Added option to mass switch between Append / Overwrite mode in import
  • Added option to enable extended search. This enables grid search thru post categories, post tags and grid custom meta attached to post
  • Added option to loop videos within grid
  • Add option to keep cache forever for stream sources
  • Adding bulk images throws JS errors in Safari and Firefox console
  • Updated Twitter stream to support api credentials
  • Fixed Slider Revolution not working inside the lightbox with never Slider Revolution versions
  • Fixed deprecated error message for external sources
  • Fixed enabling Deep Linking Filter feature breaks the grid filter
  • Fixed single image upload for custom grid
  • Fixed import bugs
  • Fixed grid item cover link
  • Fixed js error with select grid source
  • Fixed custom meta word limit
  • Fixed search result button showing up in search wrapper
  • Fixed mobile filter conversion
  • Fixed hiding filter all
  • Fixed multiple filter dropdown change the filter start text
  • Fixed gutenberg block styles
  • Fixed shortcode in html attributes in text layer
  • Fixed block_categories deprecation message with WordPress 5.8.0
  • Fixed php deprecated notices
  • Fixed "Filter all" showing at the bottom of the grid with no active filters
  • Fixed ESG Custom Meta tab content not displaying on post edit page
  • Fixed Sorting Order not showing the correct arrow
  • Fixed Grid alias allowed characters
  • Fixed filter shortcode not parsing correctly
  • Fixed filter shortcode overlapping issue
  • Fixed custom filter shortcode displaying all filters
  • Fixed filter deeplink - hash stay in url after unselecting
  • Fixed broken image ratio after html5 element
  • Fixed keep layers on video Playback
  • Fixed filter dropdown text bug
  • Fixed category that starts with number breaks "Load More Button"
  • Fixed wp footer texts overlapping the grid editor
  • Fixed RTL mode
  • Fixed meta multiselect save on post page
  • Fixed meta data "mutiselect" display when used as skin layer value
  • Fixed blurry grid image after vertical flip
  • Fixed shortcode not working in a meta field
  • Fixed gutenberg block custom image missing
  • Fixed ESG widget in 5.8.1
  • Fixed Youtube Video cannot played with sound on lightbox
  • Fixed filter shortcode not working for custom grid


  • Added option to customize the offline LoadMore error message
  • Added Global option to customize empty Grid and social stream error messages
  • Added filter group drill-down visibility options


  • Improved notices for when the selected source is empty (i.e. no posts available) or for social streams when credentials need to be added/adjusted
  • When attempting to save a post-based Grid with no source selected an Ajax error will now auto-select the source tab
  • Imported post-based grids will now auto-populate itself on the frontend. Content can then be adjusted further by editing the grid's post-category selections.
  • Imported post-based grids will now auto-select "Posts" as the default Post Type.
  • Improved the code to remove surpressed notices
  • Twitter streams no longer require API credentials
  • Flickr Photosets are now titled "Albums"
  • Clean up inline css styles.
  • The localization file now delivered as a pot file.
  • Update tooltipster to v4.2.8
  • switched select2 to more robust dropdown builder - ddTP
  • update media filter css to remove impact on revslider elements


  • Fixed taxonomy list limiting not working as expected
  • Fixed caching to consider the difference between mobile and desktop computers
  • Fixed a bug where hiding the "Filter - All" button was not possible if more than one filter was added to the grid
  • Fixed a bug where some specific filter settings were not properly added, if more than one filter was added to the grid
  • Fixed a bug where shortcodes added to a meta field did not work if they ended with "]
  • Fixed a bug where the sorting did not properly work with load more items
  • Fixed pages with multiple grids sometimes had duplicate item IDs that caused issues with animations.
  • Fixed touch-swipe for pagination not always working
  • Fixed "Edit Skin" button not always loading the correct skin
  • Fixed Flickr Photosets not Working (now called "Albums")
  • Fixed Filter "AND" not working in the editor
  • Fixed Video Lightbox not playing with sound for Vimeo Videos
  • Fixed Pagination sometimes interfering with grid hovers
  • Fixed Vimeo fullscreen button not showing on frontend
  • Fixed Filter-All Text not changeable with multiple groups
  • Fixed Show/Hide Filter-All not changeable with multiple groups
  • Fixed Clicking on the "Filter All" will not clear the selected categories
  • Fixed custom metadata with an apostrophe breaks the grid editor.
  • Fixed __() & _e() does not escape. Updated to esc_attr__(), esc_html__() etc….
  • Fixed Global Settings -> Global Search -> Add Global Search Setting button state when search disabled
  • Fixed Item Spacing not saving changes
  • Fixed Deeplinking Lightbox image not working
  • Fixed Selected Category sources not being saved
  • Fixed Hide Blank Items At not working correctly
  • Fixed Selected Metadata displaying on filters
  • Fixed Selecting a single filter is not possible using "Multiselect" meta filter