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Log Update Item Phox - Hosting WordPress & WHMCS Theme
This page only show history update item Phox - Hosting WordPress & WHMCS Theme.

+ NEW: Fancy Demo

+ NEW: Elementor Countdown widget [add an option to display labels]

+ NEW: Elementor Countdown widget [add an option to modify widget height]

+ NEW: Elementor Search widget [add option to change popup trigger icon]

+ NEW: Elementor Search widget [add option to add label to popup trigger]

+ FIXED: Elementor Search widget [hidden class on popup case]

+ FIXED: Elementor Mega Menu Widget [Dropdown custom width]

+ FIXED: Elementor Mega Menu Widget [Top level Items margin]

+ UPDATE: Replace "Super Demo" Tabs with the new tabs widget.

+ UPDATE: Language file

+ DEPRECATED: Old Elementor App Widget

Product Added to the system.