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Log Update Item WPMet ElementsKit Pro
This page only show history update item WPMet ElementsKit Pro.

Improved: Parallax doesn't work on tablets & mobile devices.

Fixed: Table widget issue ( Editor output style not work & HTML print with image).

Fixed: Video widget issue.

Fixed: Conditional content module has a conflict with the Russian language.

Added: Integrate google sheet inside table widget.

Added: WYSIWYG control for table body text.

Fixed: Table widget fopen function warning.

Fixed: Table widget image issue.

Fixed: Icon missing & replaced fontAwesome icon with elementor icon.

Fixed: Advanced Tab issue with OceanWP theme.

Tweaked: CSS and JS improved.

Added: Ajax Loading support for Advanced Tab Widget.

Improved: Improved data attribute.

Improved: Update paralax library version(Jaralax).

Improved: Mini cart & ajax loading support for Advanced Tab. 

Fixed: HTML tag does not work into table widget cell text.

Fixed: PHP notice and warning when username is not exist in pinterest feed.

Fixed: Limiting instagram feeds causes shrinking of columns in instagram feed.

New: Hover option added for Vertical Menu Widget.

New: Russian language for translation.

Fix: Sticky Offset support for Smooth Scrolling.

Fix: Background Image rendering issue for Parallax Module.

Fix: Table widget missing controls.

Fix: Instagram Feed Fatal Error.

Removed: Comment and like count from instagram feed widget.

Fix: Script defer loading issue for Copy-Paste Module.

Tweak: CSS and JS improved

Improved: Bundled Modules js for avoiding multiple request to increase the performance.

Tweak: CSS and JS improved

Fix: Woo Category widget grid issue with Astra theme

Fix: Woo Product List widget grid issue with Astra theme

Fix: Hover behavior issue for Woo Mini Cart Widget.

Fix: Responsive support for Chart Widget with large data.

Fix: Horizontal style content alignment for Timeline Widget.

Fix: JS conflict when first load for Parallax Module.

Fix: Responsive controls issue for Woo Category List Widget.

Fix: Removed deprecated Elementor PHP Methods from Widgets.

Fix: Advanced Accordion and Advanced Tab widgets conflict with OceanWP theme.

Fix: Advanced Toggle widget Indicator Global color issues.

Fix: Unfold widget title alignment issue.

Fix: Timeline widget content alignment issue.