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Log Update Item MEC Ticket and Invoice
This page only show history update item MEC Ticket and Invoice.

Added: Two capabilities mec_invoice_cap , mec_invoice_cap_others to manage invoices for users.

- Added: Invoice number in export bookings

- Added: Filter invoices with checkin status

- Added: Deactivate option for "PDF Download" button in the emails

- Improved: Download invoice button style

- Fixed: Sync booking and invoice status

- Fixed: Change users email in backend and send invoice to correct them

- Fixed: Display variations per ticket

- Fixed: Repeat ticket name

- Added: Option to display invoice id instead invoice number

- Fixed: Date format in ticket

- Fixed: Display invoice in mobile/table

- Fixed: Send 2 email when using WooCommerce Integration addon

- Fixed: Some minor issues

- compatibility: Modern Events Calendar v6.5

- Fixed: Translation strings

- Fixed: Some minor issues

- Fixed: An issue in the invoice modern style

- Fixed: Some minor issues

- compatibility: Modern Events Calendar v6.0.0

- Improved: Resend email notification

- Improved: Addons query for optimization in the backend

- Fixed: Auto-update message

- Fixed: Some minor issues

- compatibility: Modern Events Calendar v5.22.0

- compatibility: MEC WooCommerce Add-On v1.4.3

- Fixed: Duplicated email

- Fixed: Ticket counting

- Fixed: Ticket price in the invoice

- Fixed: Some minor issues

Product Added to the system.