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Log Update Item Novashare WordPress Social Sharing Plugin
This page only show history update item Novashare WordPress Social Sharing Plugin.

* Replaced all uses of .novashare- class prefixes to .ns- in front facing CSS to improve performance. (minified stylesheet reduced by 20%).

**IMPORTANT:** Due to the majority of all Novashare CSS classes being changed, we recommend that you clear all cache layers (Unused/Critical CSS, server cache, CDN cache) after updating. Any custom code related to Novashare buttons will also need to be updated. Please reach out if you have any questions. We're happy to help.

* Added new novashare_pinterest_hidden_images filter.

* Added notice to plugin update row if there is not an active license key.

* Updated license key field to prevent it from getting auto-filled by browser extensions.

* Added new post meta option to add Pinterest Hidden Images.

* Updated a deprecated Yoast SEO open graph image filter.

* Added settings notice in Meta section to note if there is a compatible SEO plugin currently active.

* Fixed an issue with an invalid inline style printing for the Inline Content call to action.

* Fixed an issue in the block editor where certain Pin Images were overflowing their container.

* Added support for Grow Social attachment meta and Pinterest hidden images to the Novashare Migrator.

* Added new Follow Buttons Block, which allows you to quickly add and customize follow buttons for your social network profiles anywhere on your site (via the Block Editor, Customizer, or Widgets screen).

* Increased popup window size for LinkedIn for better usability.

* Added new novashare_pin_button_text filter.

* Added new novashare_total_share_count_text_plural and novashare_total_share_count_text_singular filters.

* Added new novashare_follow_network_link filter.

* Added new novashare_inline_excluded_filters filter.

* Added compatibility with SEOPress when using our open graph tags.

* Added fallback to featured image when using open graph and no post-specific meta image is set.

* Fixed an issue that was causing the Disable Pinning toggle on image blocks to be switched on by default in some cases.

* Fixed an issue where the default meta image would be prioritized over the featured image in open graph if no other meta details were set.

* Made an adjustment to popup window dimensions triggered by Pinterest image pins.

* Added filter integration with Perfmatters for better compatibility with Remove Unused CSS feature when running both plugins.

* Updated EDD plugin updater class to version 1.9.2.

* Translation file updates.

* Added new Inverse on Hover design option for Inline Content and Floating Bar share buttons.

* Changed toggle CSS selectors to be more specific to prevent conflicts.

* Moved plugin settings header output to in_admin_header action hook for compatability.

* Minor style adjustments to the new plugin UI.

* Added support for Grow Social share counts and post meta data to the Novashare Migrator.

Updated network admin settings page with UI improvements and support page.