Total 01/04/2025 : We HAVE 11318 Items and more than 3524 happy members.
Log Update Item WP Content Pilot Pro
This page only show history update item WP Content Pilot Pro.

[Fix] - Compatability with WP v6.0.1

[Fix] - Fix typo

[Fix] - Update ebay api notice

[Fix] - Compatability with WP v6.0.0

[Enhance] - comment_count added as template tags in Reddit Campaigns

[Enhance] - Convert google-user-cache to direct ezine article contents

[Fix] - CURL is failing on some servers.

[Fix] - Clickbank image thumbnail showing

[Fix] - Soundcloud campaign back in posting

[Enhance] - Ezine article search engine changed to Google Custom Search from Bing Search

[Enhance] - Daily motion and Tiktok campaign added

[Enhance] - Skip older posts from specific feature in Twitter campaign

Product Added to the system.