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Log Update Item Gravity View – The best way to display Gravity Forms entries
This page only show history update item Gravity View – The best way to display Gravity Forms entries.

Fixed: Prevent possible conflict in the View editor with themes/plugins that use Bootstrap's tooltip library

* Fixed: Views would take an abnormally long time to load

* Fixed: Fatal error on some hosts that use weak security keys and salts

Fixed: Fatal error when Maps isn't installed

Fixed: GravityView plugin updates were not shown in the plugin update screen since version 2.14.4 (April 27, 2022)

* Fixed: Embedding Edit Entry context directly in a page/post using the `[gventry edit="1"]` shortcode ([learn more](

* Fixed: Edit Entry link wasn't working in the Single Entry context of an embedded View

* Fixed: Search Bar GravityView widget was not saving the chosen fields

* Fixed: Gravity PDF shortcodes would not be processed when bulk-approving entries using GravityView. Thanks, Jake!

* Fixed: Sometimes embedding a GravityView shortcode in the block editor could cause a fatal error

* Fixed: Multiple PHP 8 warnings

__Developer Updates:__

* Added: `redirect_url` parameter to the `gravityview/edit_entry/success` filter

* Added `redirect_url` and `back_link` parameters to the `gravityview/shortcodes/gventry/edit/success` filter

* Added: A link that allows administrators to disable the "Show only approved entries" View setting from the front-end

* Fixed: Configuring new Search Bar WordPress widgets wasn't working in WordPress 5.8+

* Fixed: Styling of form settings dropdowns on the Gravity Forms "Forms" page