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Log Update Item HappyForms
This page only show history update item HappyForms.

* New feature: HTML anchor on form block.

* Improvement: Removed Phone Number country flags for better usability and performance.

* Improvement: Better notice when uploading duplicate files.

* Bugfix: Dropdown item font size doesn't match form style setting.

* Bugfix: Form width preview not updating.

* Bugfix: Single Choice, Multiple Choice and Dropdown field validation was misbehaving with "Limit submissions" on.

* Bugfix: Address field validation was misbehaving.

* Bugfix: Integration credentials were being removed without user intervention.

* Improvement: New filter for advanced control of CSV exports.

* Improvement: New global "Google Geocoding" and "Google Places" integrations.

* Bugfix: "Register" and "Role Capabilities" sections weren't respecting capability settings.

* Bugfix: "Add 'other' choice" and "Allow multiple choices" were misbehaving on Poll field.

* Bugfix: Widget was misbehaving with new block-based Widgets screen.

* Bugfix: Number field custom separators weren't working correctly.

* Bugfix: Prefilled Long Answer field had styling glitches.

* Bugfix: Long Answer field Limit words/characters controls had validation issues.

Product Added to the system.