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Log Update Item WooCommerce Wholesale Pro (By Barn2 Media)
This page only show history update item WooCommerce Wholesale Pro (By Barn2 Media).

 * Tweak: Improved compatibility with wholesale priced variations and WooCommerce Product Table.

 * Dev: Tested up to WordPress 5.9.3.

 * Tweak: Email password reset link instead of password for new wholesale customers. [More Information](

 * Tweak: When clicking 'Add New' via a wholesale role user list in wp-admin, the wholesale role will now be automatically selected.

 * Fix: The default WordPress email was being sent instead of the 'New wholesale account' email when adding wholesale customers via Users > Add New in wp-admin.

 * Fix: Wholesale prices were not displaying on single products when both the Flatsome theme and WooCommerce Product Addons were active.

 * Fix: The plugin would cause a fatal error if activated without WooCommerce active.

 * Dev: Replace deprecated constants for PHP 8.1 compatibility.

 * Dev: Tested up to WooCommerce 6.3.1 and WordPress 5.9.2

 * Tweak: Improved compatibility with Divi WooCommerce modules and the Alternate Content feature.

 * Fix: Multiple save buttons were appearing on some settings pages.

 * Compatibility with upcoming Barn2 plugins.

 * Tested up to WooCommerce 6.2.1 and WordPress 5.9.1

 * New: Added support for Barn2 setup wizard.

 * Fix: Added support for products with no wholesale price to WPML WooCommerce Multilingual.

 * Tested up to WooCommerce 5.9 and WordPress 5.8.2

* Enhancement: Custom WooCommerce filter widgets which can be used across the Shop, Wholesale Store, and WooCommerce Product Table pages.

* Tested up to WooCommerce 5.6

* Fix: Price display suffix would not appear next to certain wholesale prices.

* Fix: Conflict with All in One SEO plugin causing WooCommerce notices to not display on the Login / Register shortcodes.

* Tested up to WooCommerce 5.5.2.

* Fix: WooCommerce Product Addons would ignore sale price for non-wholesale customers.

* Fix: Error when trying to register a wholesale user with an existing username.

* Tweak: Better handling of wholesale roles with no global discounts.

* Dev: Filter for price transients to assist with third party integrations concerning price handling.

* Dev: Switched to Composer autoloader.

* Tested up to WooCommerce 5.4.1 and WordPress 5.8.