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Log Update Item Lisfinity - Classified Ads WordPress Theme
This page only show history update item Lisfinity - Classified Ads WordPress Theme.


  • Feature: From now you can add agents that can manage your account
  • Feature: Save searches and get timely notifications when listing matching your query becomes available
  • Feature: Many new email notification settings
  • Feature: Pay per Listing
  • Feature: Use default image uploader instead of WordPress media uploader

Listings Submit

  • Fixed: The error messages when a mandatory field is not selected are missing.
  • Fixed: Additional media cost displayed 0 in the Media and Promotion tab.
  • Fixed: Price per category doesn't change if the multicurrency is set.
  • Fixed: Price per category isn't included in the total cost.
  • Fixed: When the return button is pressed from the Promotion page back to the Media page, the initially correctly shown image cost is no longer displayed correctly.

Fields Builder

  • Fixed: Issue when editing the fields on hosted sites


  • Fixed: Conflict with the version of WordPress 5.8


  • Feature: Added  'daily rate' ('per day' and 'per hour') pricing option.
  • Fixed: After registration user is not redirected to the user dashboard.
  • Fixed: When a user registers using email and password it remains on the register page instead of being redirected to the Dashboard.
  • Fixed: The website field validation throws an error.
  • Fixed: Chosen type of the account (additional profile field) doesn't apply to the newly registered users.


  • Fixed: Character & doesn't show correctly in the header admin name

Dashboard Subscription Package

  • Fixed: Subscription information didn't display on the user dashboard 
  • Fixed: 'Per week' and 'Per month' prices are not displayed correctly.

Listing Submit Form

  • Fixed: When a user submits the listing the blank screen appears although the listing is successfully submitted.
  • Fixed: Additional costs for the listing submission in the specific category is not visible on the last step of the submission form
  • Fixed: Listings Tab - the promotion card doesn't display properly when there is only one promotion displayed

Single Listing Page

  • Fixed: The WhatsApp number is not in the correct format.
  • Fixed: Price doesn't change if the multicurrency is set.
  • Fixed: Images in the Product Gallery don't change alt attribute.

Elementor Single Listing Page

  • Fixed: Zoom in images from the gallery doesn't scale properly.
  • Search Page
  • Fixed: Sidebar filters on smaller devices are not visible. Ads
  • Fixed: Per week and per month prices are not displayed correctly in the custom style.
  • Banner Search Form
  • Fixed: Range input doesn't show correct values.

Payment Packages

  • Fixed: the discount message is showing partially.

Search Page

  • Fixed: Filter fields shows suffix and prefix duplicated


  • Fixed: The time format AM/PM doesn't apply to the working hours format.


  • Fixed: Issue with the users being able to post listings after registration when the option was set otherwise
  • Fixed: Become a vendor button isn't being removed when vendors are disabled
  • Fixed: Become premium button isn't being removed when premium profiles are disabled
  • Improved: New user manual approval for listing posting
  • Improved: Added option to disable expired listing deletion from the site
  • Improved: Attaching business profile to users created by WooCommerce internal system

Listings Submit

  • Fixed: Promotions tab upon listing submission is being removed incorrectly when a number of free promotions that are being assigned to a listing is not even to available promotions
  • Improved: Force sorting of the fields by name

Product Single

  • Fixed: Potential issue when checking for the premium only taxonomies
  • Fixed: Issue that was sometimes occurring when checking for the premium taxonomies
  • Fixed: The Business logo was not displayed.

Elementor Lisfinity -> Ads

  • Fixed: If the 'custom' style is chosen listings are displayed only on the first tab.

Business Elementor Template

  • Fixed: The user id used to check for the premium account is wrong


  • Improved: Added see ad page link on the mobile version too