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Log Update Item Report Generator For WHMCS
This page only show history update item Report Generator For WHMCS.
  • Added "Payment Method" column in the "Income Per Invoice" report - case #527
  • Improved access rules will now require fewer restrictions to grant someone permission to view the resource - case #512
  • If a syntax error occurs when trying to use the PHP code for advanced widgets, it will now display the line number that caused a problem - case #525
  • Corrected SQL query creation for the "IN" condition in the beginner mode - case #503
  • Fixed "syntax error, unexpected '&&' (T_BOOLEAN_AND)" that could occur when creating a custom report in the expert mode - case #504
  • Solved problem that might have prevented tables from being deleted in the beginner mode - case #505
  • Resolved issue that could have deleted the expression when trying to change its order using the arrow button - case #506
  • Corrected conflict error with the Domain Orders Extended For WHMCS module when executing its cron job - case #507
  • Fixed problem with displaying a complete condition text if it contained a dot in its query - case #511
  • Adjusted "Income Per Invoice" report which will now be based on transactions data - case #513
  • Solved problem where granting single rights to either create, edit or delete widgets could block the administrator from managing them - case #520
  • Editing the widget name and description will now properly work after that has been creation - case #521
  • Fixed problem where an extra column could be shown in the report widget if that was included in SQL but not in the specified PHP query - case #522
  • Other minor code corrections

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