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Log Update Item Jevelin | Multi-Purpose Responsive WordPress AMP Theme
This page only show history update item Jevelin | Multi-Purpose Responsive WordPress AMP Theme.

* Added - Compatibility with WordPress 6.1 (tested and working well)

* Added - Compatibility with WooCommerce 7.0.1 (tested and working well)

* Updated - WPBakery Page Builder to the latest version (6.10.0) 

* Updated - Slider Revolution to the latest version (6.6.5)

* Fixed - Theme contains outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files

* Fixed - PHP error when visiting the theme dashboard in some cases

* Fixed - Portfolio project page category 404 issue in some cases

* Fixed - _register_controls is deprecated when using the Elementor page builder

* Fixed - Changelog broken formatting for one entry and fixed multiple typos

* Added - Tiktok social network for the team members element

* Improved - More WPBakery page builder element files support child theme

* Fixed - Removed Google Plus social network from the teams element

* Fixed - Google fonts not working when using Unyson framework

* Improved - Removed beta version text for the Redux migration tool

* Updated - Slider Revolution to the latest version (6.5.25)

* Fixed - Background mobile image option crops image incorrectly (for WPBakery page builder)

* Fixed - Some Redux framework php notices

* Added - Portfolio tags for single product pages

* Added - jevelin_before_content and jevelin_after_content actions

* Improved - Portfolio slug functionality when using Redux framework

* Updated - Theme language file (.pot)

* Updated - WPBakery Page Builder to the latest version (6.9.0) 

* Updated - Slider Revolution to the latest version (6.5.24)

* Updated - Yellow Pencil Pro to the latest version (7.5.6)

* Fixed - Some Jevelin dashboard visual bugs

* Fixed - PHP notice for blog posts element (in some cases)

Added – Portfolio element option to open custom links directly in the page without redirects

Added – PHP hooks to change portfolio project and category slugs (jevelin_portfolio_slug and jevelin_portfolio_category_slug)

Improved – Theme activation license message text

Improved – Theme activation failed message

Updated – Slider Revolution to the latest version (6.5.19)

Fixed – Theme activation license message notice won’t remember close action

Fixed – WooCommerce thank you page doesn’t display payment data

Fixed – Portfolio fancy PHP error notices in some cases

Fixed – Page settings media option resets in some cases

Fixed – Post title clickable in single post pages

* Added - Theme activation notice

* Improved - Dashboard theme logo for high DPI screens

* Improved - Theme activation form design

* Updated - Slider Revolution to the latest version (6.5.14)

* Updated - Yellow Pencil Pro to the latest version (7.5.4)

* Fixed - Install demos link doesn't work in some cases

* Fixed - Removed Envato market plugin due to duplicate functionality

* Improved - Theme activation form

* Updated - WPBakery Page Builder to the latest version (6.8.0)

* Updated - Slider Revolution to the latest version (6.5.12)

* Fixed - The provided purchase code was not found in some cases

* Fixed - Activated theme shows update available all the time in some cases

* Updated - Slider Revolution to the latest version (6.5.9)

* Updated - Yellow Pencil Pro to the latest version (7.5.3)

* Fixed - Mobile header arrow issue

* Fixed - WooCommerce product style 2 purchase button align issue

* Fixed - Mobile header height issue when notice block is enabled

* Fixed - Logo image option in theme settings doesn't work in some cases

* Updated – Slider Revolution to the latest version (6.5.7)

* Updated – Yellow Pencil Pro to the latest version (7.5.2)

* Fixed – Mobile sticky header doesn’t work correctly in some cases

* Fixed – Icon box slider element error notice and mobile related issues

* Fixed – Theme and page settings doesn’t work when using PHP 8

* Fixed – Warning notice in all pages when using PHP 8

* Added - Reddit and snapchat social icons in theme settings

* Improved - Jevelin dashboard notifications

* Updated - WPBakery Page Builder to the latest version (6.7.0)

* Updated - Slider Revolution to the latest version (6.5.6)

* Updated - Yellow Pencil Pro to the latest version (7.5.0)

* Fixed - Customizer layout related issues in latest WP and plugin versions

* Fixed - Blog gallery post images doesn't work in some cases

* Fixed - Page blog categories doesn't work in some cases

* Fixed - Theme setting section hover issue in latest versions

* Fixed - General theme code cleanup