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Log Update Item Content Views Pro
This page only show history update item Content Views Pro.

Fix: prevent conflict with event handlers attached to the 'load' event of window

Fix: when enable Lazyload, images are not loaded when filter by Shuffle filter (it shows gray placeholders)

- Fix: Live Filter issue when filtering by custom field value contains some specific special characters

- Fix: remove backslash in Live Filter placeholder text that contains quotation mark, apostrophe

- Update: add WPML language to the edit view link to ensure the correct language is applied when editing the view

- Update: show original value of custom field when enabling Live Filter without uppercase the first character of each word in the value

- Some other fixes and improvements

- Security Fix: update jQuery UI Datepicker from 1.12.1 to 1.13.1

- Fix: performance issue when live filter by multiple options of a custom field with 'checkbox' type and 'OR' operator

- Fix: translation issue of the alternative title when enabling "Fix the missing page title" of the Replace Layout feature

- Fix: some unexpected issues caused by other plugins

- Update: support thumbnail style and left/right position when enables "Show terms as output"

- Update: improve compatible with ACF plugin

- Tweak: add and update description of some settings

Fix deprecation with PHP 8.1

Fix: images are blank caused by a change in version 5.8.8 in a site enabled Jetpack plugin

* Fix: fatal errors with PHP 8.0

* Fix: live and backend filter issues with custom field has quote character in value

* Fix: loading icon issue with Jetpack plugin

* Fix some PHP warnings and notices

* Update: show sub fields of ACF Repeater field in rows

* Some other fixes and improvements

Fix: images are invisible in some edge cases caused by a change in previous release

- Fix: pagination issue when supporting membership plugin

- Fix: filter and sort issue of a date custom field in some edge cases

- Fix: layout issue when triming post title that includes HTML tags

- Fix: prevent some unexpected issues caused by other plugins

- Some other fixes and improvements