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Log Update Item YITH WooCommerce Request a Quote Premium
This page only show history update item YITH WooCommerce Request a Quote Premium.

 * New: support for WooCommerce 6.4

 * New: added the button "Ask quote" on the Cart page to allow users to convert the cart content into a quote request

 * New: PDF Quote builder to create custom templates for the quotes

 * New: PDF button to convert the list into a PDF on the Request a quote page

 * New: added the email "pending quote"; if enabled this email is sent when the customer does not accept/reject the quote within x days

 * New: added version 3 of reCAPTCHA

 * New: "Ask new quote" action in quotes list in My Account

 * New: "Order again" action in quotes list in My Account

 * New: added option to change the icon of the Mini quote widget

 * New: integration with YITH Easy Order Page for WooCommerce v 1.8.0

 * Tweak: improved the style and layout of emails

 * Tweak: improved Accept and Reject buttons on the "My Account" page to be customized by the Admin panel

 * Tweak: changed the PDF library from DOMPDF into mPDF 8.0.5

 * Update: YITH plugin framework

 * Fix: fixed issue with YITH WooCommerce Product Add-Ons with the retrieved value of the first radio addon option

 * Fix: added missing parameter for 'yith_ywraq_widget_quote' shortcode

 * Fix: make YITH WooCommerce Product Add-Ons image larger on Request a quote list

 * Dev: new filter 'ywraq_product_image' for YITH WooCommerce Product Add-Ons integration

 * New: support for WooCommerce 6.3

 * Update: YITH plugin framework

 * Fix: fixed update status when quote expires

 * Dev: added additional arguments to filter 'ywraq_label_discount_coupon'

New: support for WordPress 5.9

Update: YITH plugin framework

Fix: fixed issue with percentage discounts

Fix: added WPML translation for YITH WooCommerce Product Add-Ons in the Quote table

Fix: fixed duplicated YITH WooCommerce Product Add-Ons in the cart after accepting the quote

Fix: fixed "State" field displayed in customer's email

Fix: fixed issue with button clear list label option

New: support for WooCommerce 5.7

Update: YITH plugin framework

Fix: Issue with YITH WooCommerce Product Add-Ons 2.0

Fix: Removed expiration date on My Account quote page if the quote is on state 'new'

Dev: added AJAX action "prdctfltr_respond_550" for WooCommerce Product Filter plugin

Dev: new filters 'ywraq_addon_item_name_view', 'ywraq_addon_item_name_order' and 'ywraq_addon_item_name' to change add-ons labels

New: support for WordPress 5.8

New: support for WooCommerce 5.5

New: support for YITH WooCommerce Product Add-Ons 2.0

Fix: fixed issues with WPForms

Dev: added a new filter 'yith_ywraq_quote_deposit_amount' to customize the YITH WooCommerce Deposit and Down Payments deposit amount

Dev: added filter 'ywraq_csv_charset' to change csv charset