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Log Update Item Advanced Billing For WHMCS
This page only show history update item Advanced Billing For WHMCS.
  • Solved problem with billing for Virtualizor that could obtain data for only the first 50 servers - case #596
  • Fixed issue with the billing usage records displayed in the client area that were not shown in other language translations - case #599
  • Eliminated "Invalid datetime format (...) Incorrect decimal value" error that could appear for Hetzner servers with the "Initializing" status - case #600
  • Corrected "Unsupported operand types: float - string" error that might occur when running cron on PHP 8.1 - case #601
  • Resolved PHP 8.1 value error that could be displayed in the WHMCS daily cron job when the "Recurring Billing" or "Fixed Pricing" extension was enabled along with the WHMCS automatic suspension option - case #597
  • The index for "hostingId" value of the records table will no longer be multiplied each time the module is updated - case #604
  • Enabling the "Free Limit" extension when the cron is already running will no longer cause "Calculation type is not set" errors - case #588
  • Plesk "Traffic" billing will be now categorized as "Summary" type instead of "Hourly" - case #595
  • Items billed with an amount lower than "0.01" will be omitted from invoicing - case #605
  • Amounts rounded to very low values will no longer be shown in scientific notation - case #606
  • Other minor code corrections

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