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Log Update Item Paid Memberships Pro Import Users from CSV
This page only show history update item Paid Memberships Pro Import Users from CSV.

* ENHANCEMENT: Added in an option to skip over members if trying to import members with their current membership level. This is helpful for large CSV files that may have duplicate records.

* ENHANCEMENT: Prevent subscriptions from being cancelled by incorrect imports. Keep these subscriptions in tact, but can disable this logic by using the `pmproiufcsv_cancel_prev_sub_on_import` filter.

* ENHANCEMENT: Show a notice if the Import Users From CSV (base) plugin isn't installed or activated which is required for this Add On to work.

* ENHANCEMENT: Improved general SQL scripts where possible by using prepare method from WPDB class.

* ENHANCEMENT: General improvements to localization of plugin, now translatable.

* BUG FIX: Fixed issue where expiration date (membership_enddate) was being set to import's date when importing pre-existing members. This now removes the expiration date for existing members if the membership_enddate column is blank or missing.