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Log Update Item Car Dealer Automotive WordPress Theme – Responsive
This page only show history update item Car Dealer Automotive WordPress Theme – Responsive.

* Fixed: Fixed fatal error when updating from very old version.

* Fixed: Fixed vehicle filter dropdown (with lot of items) formatting issue.

* Updated: Updated bundled plugins.

* Updated: Updated language files.

* Various Minor code/formatting improvements and fixes.

* New: Added "Advertise Item" feature for dealers/sellers to advertise their items.

* New: Added "Listing Payment" feature for dealers/sellers to pay for the new Add Car entry.

* New: Added vehicle view count in the Dealer Dashboard > My Items.

* Added: Added theme options for new features Advertise Item, Listing Payment.

* Added: Added theme option to show/hide dealer logo and name in the vehicle listing.

* Added: Added theme option to hide dealer name.

* Added: Added fix to display listing type in Dealer Dashboard > My Items for imported vehicles.

* Added: Added new label fields in the Fuel Economy widget.

* Fixed: Fixed issue with vehicle enable/disable when package subscription is expired.

* Fixed: Added fix for fatal error when Subscriptio plugin is not installed/activated.

* Fixed: Fixed fatal error when disabling the vehicle from the dealer dashboard.

* Fixed: Fixed listing layout in Dealer Dashboard vehicle listing.

* Fixed: fixed duplicate reCaptcha on the Add Car page when user is not logged in.

* Fixed: Fixed seller profile review design issue.

* Fixed: Fixed counter widget/shortcode not working correctly.

* Fixed: Fixed translation issue in the category list on the FAQ page.

* Fixed: Fixed "Add Car" button is not working in mobile view.

* Fixed: Fixed "Buy Online" button is not working in mobile view.

* Fixed: Fixed fatal error when disabling the vehicle from the dealer dashboard.

* Fixed: Fixed close icon for images on edit car page.

* Fixed: Fixed Redux Framework deprecated functions.

* Fixed: Fixed formatting issue on the "Sold Car" template.

* Fixed: Fixed listing type for old items or items added from the backend or import process.

* Fixed: Fixed vehicle enable/disable issue in the dealer dashboard for vehicles added by import and VINQuery.

* Fixed: Fixed button formatting issue on various WooCommerce - My Account pages.

* Fixed: Fixed vehicle enable/disable issue when subscription expires and vehicle status changes.

* Fixed: Fixed error message when enabling/disabling vehicle in the dealer dashboard.

* Fixed: Fixed vehicle listing formatting issue in Dealer Dashboard when listing layout is Grid.

* Fixed: Fixed vehicle listing formatting issue in seller profile

* Fixed: Fixed PHP Notice.

* Fixed: Fixed typo.

* Fixed: Fixed text domain.

* Updated: Updated backend dealer profile editing.

* Updated: Updated currency list and symbols.

* Updated: Made financial calculator error messages translatable.

* Updated: Updated bundled plugins.

* Updated: Updated language files.

* Various Minor code/formatting improvements and fixes.

* New: "Car Dealer Templates", the WPBakery/Elementor template builder for vehicle pages.

* New: "Vehicle Detail" page builder in the "Car Dealer Templates".

* New: "Vehicle Detail Mobile" page builder in the "Car Dealer Templates".

* Added: New theme options section "Car Dealer Templates" to manage templates visibility on the vehicle detail page.

* Added: New theme option 'Vehicle layout Type' for vehicle single page template.

* Added: New theme option 'Hide Page Header' for vehicle single page template.

* Added: New option to select the vehicle template for individual vehicles.

* Added: Added hook to filter auto-complete search arguments.

* Added: Vehicle data support in the Yoast SEO.

* Added: New elements (WPBakery Shortcodes/Elementor Widgets) for vehicle detail page builder.

* Fixed: Elementor deprecated functions/methods notices.

* Fixed: Visibility issue with client logo images when the lazy load is enabled.

* Fixed: Print button/link not working on the vehicle detail page.

* Fixed: The reCAPTCHA is not working in lead forms on the vehicle detail page.

* Fixed: Social security number label issue in the financial lead form.

* Fixed: Breadcrumb title visibility issue on the inventory page.

* Fixed: Vehicle makes visibility issue in the Vehicle by Type widget Elementor.

* Fixed: Vehicle location tabs are not working.

* Fixed: Author page not displaying any author data.

* Fixed: Update the Owl Carousal lib to fix the broken structure in Firefox.

* Fixed: Fixed text domain.

* Updated: Updated language files.

* Updated: Updated bundled plugins.

* Various Minor code/formatting improvements and fixes.

* Added: Added new parameter Partial VIN theme options for VINQuery.

* Updated: Updated language files.

* Updated: Updated bundled plugins.

* Added: New theme options "Listing Sidebar" and "Filters/Widgets in Off-canvas" for managing the sidebars for the inventory page.

* Added: Add new theme option "Enable Breadcrumb For Mobile" to enable/disable breadcrumb in the archive page for mobile view.

* Added: Added logo and sticky logo theme options in the WPML String Translation.

* Fixed: Page title issue on vehicle listing page when assigned as front page.

* Fixed: Compare popup broken layout issue in the mobile view.

* Fixed: Undefined function fatal error when Car Dealer theme is not active.

* Fixed: Link issue in the Vehicles By Type shortcode/element when permalink is not configured.

* Fixed: Added link on the Related Posts images.

* Fixed: All social icons are not visible in the team card in shortcode/Widget and team template.

* Updated: Remove unwanted listing layouts from the theme options for the inventory page. The user now can set Grid, List, and masonry layout and set sidebar using the "Listing Sidebar" theme option.

* Updated: Remove the Google+ share options as Google no longer supports it.

* Updated: Filter design update on inventory page layout, add sorting feature in mobile view same like a desktop. Now the user can do sorting as well while ordering by parameter.

* Updated: Update the sample data based on a new layout for inventory.

* Updated: Listing page Layout change, Price range slider removed from the top filters, user can set the filter widget in the sidebar.

* Updated: Updated language files.

* Updated: Updated bundled plugins.

* Various Minor code/formatting improvements and fixes.

* improved: RTL compatibility

* fixed: minor theme improvements

* added: vehicle ID and Ad's URL to the email content which is sent via PM contact form

* added: implementation of serverside scss > css file compilation; improved issues with formerly unapplied styles from Theme Options

* updated: WordPress core v5.8.x compatibility improvements

* updated: WooCommerce v5.8.x compatibility

* updated: LayerSlider to v6.11.9

* updated: string translation files

* improved: theme responsiveness

* improved: comparison & watch list features; updated the look

* improved: minor improvements for loan calculator widget

* improved: minor improvements with contact form functionality

* improved: theme and plugins translations

* fixed: issue with address field

* fixed: minor theme vulnerability improvements

* Added: Created separate addon plugins for some theme features like PDF Generator, Promo Code, Import/export, Car Gurus, and Geo-Fencing.

* Added: Added title support in the Frontend Submission.

* Fixed: Fixed footer button color issue.

* Fixed: Fixed cour client carousel issue.

* Fixed: Fixed Contact Form 7 CSS/JS loading issue when Elementor is active.

* Fixed: Fixed issue in vehicle detail page where Google Map not showing with default values from Theme Options.

* Fixed: Fixed location tab on vehicle detail page not showing default location from Theme Options.

* Fixed: Fixed theme name and version in the Theme Options header.

* Fixed: Fixed issue with "Features & Options" and "Technical" tabs showing the same content.

* Updated: Moved some menus (for Promo Code, Geo-Fencing, and Import/export logs) under Car Dealer > More Feature.

* Updated: Updated icon for theme-options subsections.

* Updated: Updated (and re-arranged) theme options to make it clean and short.

* Updated: Redesigned and re-arranged Theme Options.

* Updated: Updated bundled plugins.

* Updated: Updated language files.

* Various Minor code/formatting improvements and fixes.

* Added: Improvement in sample data import process.

* Added: Elementor page builder support.

* Added: New sample data for Elementor page builder similarly to WP Bakery.

* Added: 31 custom Elementor widgets.

* Added: 'Default demo' sample data for elementor.

* Added: 'Home 1' demo sample page for elementor.

* Added: 'Home 2' demo sample page for elementor.

* Added: 'Home 3' demo sample page for elementor.

* Added: 'Home 4' demo sample page for elementor.

* Added: 'Home 5' demo sample page for elementor.

* Added: 'Home 6' demo sample page for elementor.

* Added: 'Home 7' demo sample page for elementor.

* Added: 'Home 8' demo sample page for elementor.

* Added: 'Home 9' demo sample page for elementor.

* Added: 'Home 10' demo sample page for elementor.

* Added: 'Home Directory' demo sample page for elementor.

* Added: 'Car landing' demo sample page for elementor.

* Added: 'Car Service' demo sample page for elementor.

* Fixed: PHPCS issues.

* Fixed: Wrong escaping.

* Fixed: WP_Scripts::localize was called incorrectly

* Fixed: Insecure content issue in video slider shortcode/Widget.

* Fixed: Title Import issue for PDF templates during the sample data import.

* Fixed: Youtube video as background not working for page when WP Bakery is not active.

* Fixed: Plugin activation fail issue in the setup wizard.

* Fixed: Header - Max mega menu color customize issue fix.

* Fixed: Mobile menu glitch in responsive view on page load.

* Updated: Updated language files.

* Updated: Add options to choose the theme option and widget to import for the service page.

* Updated: Added option in the setup wizard to choose the page builder.

* Updated: Updated bundled plugins.

* Updated: Updated language files.

* Various Minor code/formatting improvements and fixes.