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Log Update Item WP OnlineSupport WP Team Showcase and Slider Pro
This page only show history update item WP OnlineSupport WP Team Showcase and Slider Pro.

* [+] New - Added 'member_link' and 'link_target' shortcode parameters for grid and slider shortcodes.

* [+] New - Added 'Member Link' meta settings to open detailed page of member.

* [*] New - Updated Numeric and Prev - Next pagination to scroll back to plugin shortcode on page load.

* [*] New - Added templating for member social HTML.

* [*] New - Added 'Quora' and 'Vimeo' social profile link for team member.

* [*] Update - Add nonce security while saving member sorting order in admin area.

* [*] Update - Now pagination will work with post archive page.

* [*] Update - Improved WPBakery Page Builder Support.

* [*] Update - Use escaping functions for better security.

* [*] Update - JavaScript syntax for jQuery 3.0 and higher with compatibility to WordPress version 5.6

* [*] Update - Update plugin demo and documentation link.

* [*] Update - Improved tool tip text in 'Shortcode Builder' page for better understanding.

* [*] Update - Update license code file.

* [*] Update - Removed deprecated Google+ from social profile link.

* [*] Fix - Fixed one deprecated warning in Gutenberg block from WordPress 5.7

* [*] Tweak - Code optimization and performance improvements.

* [*] Dev - Added filters to modify plugin query for developers.

* [*] Check compatibility to WordPress version 5.9.1

* [*] Template File - Major template file has been changed. If you have an override template file in your theme then verify with the latest copy.