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Log Update Item Gravity Forms Address Autocomplete
This page only show history update item Gravity Forms Address Autocomplete.

- Fixed issue where the map field would not pre-populate if the latitude or longitude were number strings.

- Fixed issue where only the first coordinates input would be available for Easy Passthrough.

- Updated Cypress test to verify addresses in the UK.

- Fixed issue where the State/Province/Region would not populate correctly for addresses in the UK.

Fixed issue where hidden Address Fields would cause an error.

Added new Map field to preview the entered location in an Address field.

- Fixed issue where Address fields marked as read-only would still show the address autocomplete dropdown if the autocomplete input is focused.

- Added support for filtering by latitude/longitude. Additionally, the registered meta names for Latitude/Longitude have been updated to be more consistent with other input/meta names.

Fixed issue where browser autocomplete would not be properly disabled for the Google Places Autocomplete input.

Removed usage of deprecated Google Maps `addDomListener()` method in favor of standard `addEventListener()` method.

Improved reliability of autocomplete dropdown positioning.

- Improved detection of scroll parent of the autocomplete field to help prevent issue where scrolling the page brings the autocomplete dropdown with it.

- Added "Update URI" to plugin header to improve security.