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Log Update Item WP OnlineSupport WP Responsive Recent Post Slider Pro
This page only show history update item WP OnlineSupport WP Responsive Recent Post Slider Pro.

* [*] Update - Remove edge browser from wprpsp_old_browser() function by considering it as a old browser.

* [*] Update - Update latest license code files.

* [*] Fix - Image is not visible in old browser when plugin lazy load is enabled.

* [*] Fix - Fixed slider initialization issue with Elementor vertical tab.

* [*] Update - Add nonce security while saving post sorting order in admin area.

* [*] Update - Added reset setting success message in plugin setting page.

* [*] Update - Use escaping functions in template for better security.

* [*] Fix - Fixed saved license key is not going to be display in license key field.

* [*] Fix - Fixed 'Read More Link' is not working in Slider Design 2 and Carousel Design 15.

* [*] Fix - Fixed slider intialize issue in Elementor tab and accoridian.

* [*] Template File - Major template file has been changed. If you have an override template file in your theme then verify with the latest copy.